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How Should Your Eyebrows Be Taken Care Of After Getting Tattooed?

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    In this blog, we'll tell you about eyebrow tattoos and how to properly care for them after getting them done. Many opt for permanent cosmetics, microblading, or eyebrow tattoos to get precisely defined and shaped brows.

    The process can give stunning, long-lasting effects, but only if you take the time to care for yourself properly afterwards will you see those benefits.

    This detailed guide will go over everything you need to know about caring for your newly tattooed eyebrows once the procedure is complete, including how to recover, keep them looking good, and ensure they last as long as possible.

    Whether you're an old hand at tattoos or just getting your feet wet with semi-permanent makeup, this article will teach you all you need to know to maintain the beauty of your eyebrows after the ink has healed. 

    What Is Eyebrow Tattooing?

    Microblading, or semi-permanent makeup, is a cosmetic technique that gives the appearance of thicker and more defined eyebrows by making microscopic incisions in the skin and filling them with ink. Another name for this operation is eyebrow tattooing. If you want your eyebrows to seem more natural and less like you constantly fill them in with cosmetics, this technique is for you.

    Why Is Aftercare For Eyebrow Tattoos Important?

    For the greatest possible healing and appearance of your eyebrows, following the recommended aftercare procedures is essential. Inadequate post-tattoo care for eyebrows increases the risk of infection, form distortion, and ink fading.

    The artist may have given you aftercare recommendations that, if not followed, might necessitate touch-ups sooner than anticipated, which could result in unnecessary expenditures and pain.

    Prevent Complications And Infections

    Preventing infections and problems is the primary and most important reason for the need for eyebrow aftercare.

    After a needle or blade pierces the skin during a tattoo, an open wound is created; this wound must be carefully treated to avoid infection. Bacteria may readily penetrate wounds and cause infections if hygiene is not maintained. 

    The symptoms of an infection might include redness, discomfort, swelling, and pus. There may be long-term consequences, such as scarring, in extreme instances.

    Promote Healing

    It is equally important to take care of your eyebrows afterwards so they can mend faster. It is common for the skin surrounding a tattoo to become red and puffy after the procedure.

    To speed up the healing process, keep the area moist and clean.

    You can speed up the healing process with the right aftercare and keep scars at bay.

    Preserve The Shape And Colour

    Proper aftercare is also essential to preserve the contour and colour of the eyebrow tattoo. The ink is still working its way into the flesh after a tattoo.

    The pigment can fade or change colour if subjected to rigorous handling, sunlight, or other severe environmental factors. With the right aftercare, your tattoo will retain its colour and shape for years.

    Ensure The Tattoo's Longevity

    A tattoo's longevity is contingent upon several elements, such as the pigment's quality, the artist's competence, and the aftercare given.

    If you want your tattoo to last long, you must take care of it properly afterwards. You risk the tattoo fading too quickly, changing colours, or losing it entirely if you don't take care of it afterwards.

    Prevent Getting Itchy Or Irritated

    One typical side effect of getting a tattoo is itching and discomfort. However, with the right aftercare, you can lessen the likelihood of these problems.

    In certain cases, the skin around a tattoo can be quite sensitive and even irritating; furthermore, excessive scratching can lead to inflammation or irritation of the tattoo itself. You can alleviate skin irritation, itching, and stinging with the right aftercare.

    The care you take after getting an eyebrow tattoo is as important as getting it. With the right aftercare, you can keep your tattoo looking great for a long time, recover faster, avoid infections, keep the colour and form intact, and keep itching and irritation at bay.

    It is essential to adhere to the artist-provided aftercare recommendations to achieve the greatest results. Remember that your tattoo will last much longer and look better if you put a little effort into caring for it.

    How Your Brows Look After Getting Tattooed?

    Day 1: You are pleased with your new eyebrows; they are stunning! 

    You could not have asked for a more ideal form or colour.

    Days 2-4: Your colour may have temporarily darkened, but don't worry—it will fade. 

    This is because the vibrant hue has oxidised, ensuring it will remain vibrant for a week. The ideal level of scabbing is so thin and small that you may confidently return to work the following day.

    Days 5-7: Your microbladed eyebrows will be flaking. 

    You should not pick or scratch at this because it is a normal aspect of your skin's recovery process. It usually only takes a day or two.

    Days 8-10: After completing flaking, you'll feel completely healed. 

    Now, you may take care of your eyebrows as usual. Your skin and eyebrows may feel normal today, but it doesn't mean the healing process is over. For the first two weeks after treatment, your eyebrows will appear lighter than they will after six weeks of healing. Because your skin will be so fresh and tender when you start the healing process, it will take a few more weeks before it completely recovers. 

    Days 14-28: At long last, the ink from your eyebrow tattoo has faded. 

    The colour and form should be perfect for you. Your eyebrow tattoo artist will check in to see how you're doing after your subsequent session, which is coming soon.

    Day 42: Return at your convenience for the follow-up.

    You can request any changes during your follow-up with your artist. If you were anxious at your first appointment and regret not going darker or fuller, you can fix that now. Your new eyebrows should make you fall head over heels when you leave.

    Aftercare For Eyebrow Tattoos

    If you want your eyebrow tattoo to last and heal properly, you must take special care afterwards. To keep your tattooed eyebrows looking great, here is a comprehensive guide:

    First 24 Hours

    Your tattoo artist will most likely use a sterile bandage to avoid infection and bleeding after tattooing your eyebrows.

    The ink needs at least two or four hours to set, so leave the bandage on. Use lukewarm water and mild soap on the region with your hands to clean it after removing the bandage.

    Never clean the tattoo with a washcloth or other hard object to keep it in good condition and prevent irritation. To dry the area, use a clean towel and pat it gently, careful not to rub.

    The artist may have you use a clean cotton swab or your fingers to apply a small coating of aftercare ointment.

    Applying excessive ointment could impede the healing process by blocking pores. Because touching the tattoo might introduce bacteria and create infections, it is best to refrain. In addition, keep the tattoo out of direct sunlight to prevent it from fading and discomfort.

    First Week

    Maintaining a clean and dry environment is paramount during the initial week following your eyebrow tattoo. To keep the tattoo ink from fading, it's best to keep it dry and avoid getting it wet in hot showers or baths.

    Use a clean cotton swab or your fingertips to apply the aftercare ointment twice or thrice daily, as your artist advises. If you pick at the scabs, you risk damaging the tattoo and creating scars.

    Contact your artist or doctor immediately if you notice strange side effects, such as extreme redness, swelling, or discharge.

    Second Week

    Around two weeks after getting a tattoo, you should expect it to start peeling and scabby as it heals. Picking at the scabs can cause scarring and damage to the tattoo.

    Apply the aftercare ointment two or three times a day using a clean cotton swab or your fingertips, according on your artist's recommendation. If you want your tattoo to last as long as possible and look its best, keep it out of direct sunlight and water.

    Third Week

    After three weeks, you should feel the tattoo settling into the skin and beginning to heal. Use a clean cotton swab or your fingertips to apply the aftercare ointment 1-2 times daily, as your artist advises.

    Until the tattoo has completely healed, keep it out of direct sunlight and away from cosmetics or skincare items that might irritate it.

    Contact your artist or a healthcare provider if you have any unexpected symptoms, including significant swelling, discomfort, or fever.

    If you want your eyebrow tattoo to last and heal properly, you must take special care afterwards.

    Be cautious about touching, picking, or scraping the tattoo once your artist gives specific aftercare instructions. With the right aftercare, your eyebrows will recover beautifully and seem amazing.

    Wet Vs. Dry Healing After Permanent Eyebrow Tattoos

    Permanent eyebrow tattoo artists often employ one of two procedures. 

    Dry Heal

    The practice of dry healing predates that of wet healing. Even though it's an old technique, many artists still use it to help their clients recover.

    True to its name, dry healing prevents getting your permanent eyebrows wet. Following your visit, you won't need to do anything to help your eyebrows heal.

    Pros: Nothing special is needed, and you won't need an aftercare package.

    Cons: You will have greater colour loss and severe scabbing to cope with.

    Wet Heal

    can i swim in the sun after microblading

    Wet healing is a common practice among modern eyebrow tattoo artists. The artist will instruct you to clean your eyebrows within fifteen minutes and an hour following your session. Depending on your skin type and the artist's recommendation, this process could take anything from a day or two to a week. You'll moisturise your skin with a healing gel as an added measure.

    Pros: Your colour will recover more evenly, and there will be no scabbing.

    Cons: There will be some physical labour involved, and you must bring an aftercare kit.

    What Should Be Avoided While Caring For Eyebrow Tattoos?

    While your eyebrows are recovering, keep away from these things to make sure they stay in good shape:

    Avoid Water

    The ink may fade or become spotty if you get your eyebrows wet in the first week after having a tattoo. So, avoid doing so.

    Avoid Exposure To The Sun

    While your eyebrows heal, keep them out of direct sunlight to prevent the ink from fading or becoming uneven.

    Refrain From Picking And Scratching

    You shouldn't pick or scrape the scabs if you don't want the ink to fade or become spotty.

    Avoid Skincare And Cosmetics

    To prevent infections or irritations, wait at least one week after getting an eyebrow tattoo before putting cosmetics or skincare products into the area.

    Stay Away From Strenuous Activities

    If you want to keep the tattoo ink from fading or becoming spotty, it's best to avoid sweating heavily for at least a week after getting it. This includes exercise and other vigorous activities.

    Stay Away From Cigarettes And Alcohol

    When you're recovering, it's best not to smoke or consume alcohol.

    Get the beautiful, carefree brows you've always wanted with an eyebrow tattoo. Be sure your eyebrows recover properly and look their best by following the aftercare guidelines.

    Advice For Faster Healing Of Eyebrow Tattoos

    The following are some things you can do to make sure your eyebrows recover properly and quickly:

    Make Use Of Aftercare Items

    To keep the skin hydrated and avoid infections, use the aftercare products recommended by your artist.

    Maintain Cleanliness In The Brow Area

    To keep infections and extra ink or scabs at bay, wash the eyebrow region gently with water twice a day.

    Refrain From Sleeping On Your Face

    If you don't want the ink to fade or become spotty as it heals, you shouldn't sleep on your face.

    Never let your eyebrows get dirty, especially after waxing or microblading. Also, follow your artist's aftercare instructions in the letter. Contact your artist or a healthcare provider if you have any unexpected symptoms, including significant swelling, discomfort, or fever. If you follow these steps, your eyebrow tattoos will heal quickly and with less pain.

    Additional Advice

    Your brows will appear lighter and maybe uneven once the film has fully lifted, in contrast to how they looked when they were freshly done. This is because your brows are visible through the thicker-than-normal skin that is mending. At this point, you may return to your regular face washing and makeup regimen, but you should continue taking extra care with your brows for six weeks. 

    You may experience some tenderness even if your skin appears healed. This is because it is still mending beneath the surface. You risk damaging your skin's regeneration process if you exfoliate too harshly or massage too vigorously.

    Top Tips:

    • To avoid aggravating the tattoo, ripping off the peel, or injuring yourself, scrub vigorously enough to cleanse your skin without being too harsh.
    • Do not apply more cream to compensate for particularly dry or flaky brows. By covering the flakes or scabs, you're making the healing process slower.
    • Nearing day 14, and you're still dealing with many flakes? It's likely that you need to be more firm or that the flakes are stuck in your natural brow hairs. Seek my assistance by contacting me.


    This blog post goes over some important aftercare tips for eyebrow tattoos, a cosmetic procedure that involves making tiny incisions in the skin and filling them with ink to give the illusion of bigger and more defined eyebrows. One common way to get thick, realistic eyebrows is to have tattoos. The optimal healing and appearance of the eyebrows can be achieved by strictly adhering to the aftercare treatments.

    The main objective of eyebrow aftercare is to avoid infections and problems. The danger of infection, shape distortion, and ink fading increases when proper post-tattoo care is not adhered to. With the right aftercare, you may speed up the healing process by avoiding redness and swelling and keeping the area clean and moist. Because pigment can fade or change colour when subjected to harsh external circumstances, it also keeps the shape and colour of the eyebrow tattoo.

    Many things, including the quality of the pigment, the skill of the artist, and the aftercare, determine how long a tattoo will last. Although some people experience itching and discomfort after getting eyebrow tattoos, these adverse effects can be effectively managed with the right aftercare.

    Finally, to get the most out of your eyebrow tattoo and keep them looking great, be sure to follow the aftercare instructions the artist gave you.

    Beautiful, bright, and visually pleasing eyebrows are what you may expect after obtaining a tattoo of the eyebrows. As the pigment undergoes oxidation, the colour will gradually diminish, but it may briefly darken. It is normal for the microbladed eyebrows to flake after a day or two. When the flaking process is finished, you will feel totally better. The six-week healing phase is intense, but the initial two weeks are rather light. Tattoo ink fades with time, and during your follow-up appointment, you can ask for revisions if you'd like.

    Be extra careful to maintain the beauty of your eyebrows after getting a tattoo. Do not soak the tattoo in water, especially in very hot showers or baths; instead, keep it dry. Keep your fingers away from the scabs and apply the aftercare ointment at least twice a day.

    Make haste to consult your physician or artist if any unusual side effects occur.

    When the tattoo has healed for around two weeks, you may notice peeling and scabby areas; at this time, apply the aftercare ointment twice or thrice daily.

    To avoid irritating the tattoo, keep it out of the sun and away from any skincare or cosmetic products.

    Call your doctor or the artist if you have any strange side effects. Your eyebrows will look fantastic and recover beautifully with the correct aftercare.

    There are two methods for creating permanent eyebrow tattoos: dry healing and wet healing. No additional maintenance is necessary for dry healing, which shields the eyebrows from moisture. Colour loss and severe scabbing, however, are possible outcomes.

    However, with wet healing, the artist will have the client apply healing gel to their skin and wipe their eyebrows between fifteen minutes and an hour after the treatment. This process necessitates an aftercare kit and might take anything from one day to a week.

    If you want your eyebrows to stay in good condition, you should keep them out of water, the sun, picking at them, using harsh skincare products or cosmetics, engaging in vigourous physical activity, smoking, or drinking alcohol.

    Be sure to follow the aftercare instructions to the letter and get in touch with your artist or doctor if you have any strange side effects.

    Lighter and less defined brows may be the result of a tattoo that is totally lifted. For the next six weeks, be very careful and avoid exfoliating too harshly or getting massages that are too rough.

    Some helpful hints include a thorough but gentle washing of the face, a firmer application of the product, and not using extra cream to fix dry or flaky brows.

    what type of sunscreen should i use on my microbladed eyebrows 2

    Content Summary

    • Eyebrow tattooing offers semi-permanent, precisely defined, and shaped brows.
    • It is a popular choice for those seeking fuller brows without daily makeup application.
    • The procedure involves making tiny incisions and filling them with ink for thicker brows.
    • Proper aftercare is crucial for optimal healing and maintaining the tattoo's appearance.
    • Aftercare prevents infections, preserves shape and color, and ensures the tattoo's longevity.
    • Initial healing requires keeping the area clean and dry to avoid complications.
    • An eyebrow tattoo can last between six to twelve months, depending on skin type and care.
    • The procedure can significantly enhance facial aesthetics by providing symmetrical brows.
    • Consultation with a professional is essential to discuss skin type, goals, and procedure details.
    • Eyebrow tattooing includes microblading, Powder Brows, and Eyebrow Feathering techniques.
    • It's not permanent; semi-permanent options allow for adjustments over time.
    • Most individuals require two sessions for perfect brows, including a touch-up.
    • Different skin types may affect how the ink holds and heals.
    • The procedure can be personalized to match skin tone, hair color, and desired brow shape.
    • The session duration varies, with drawing the brows being a meticulous part of the process.
    • Eyebrows won't look exactly the same due to natural facial asymmetry.
    • Some discomfort is expected, but numbing medication can alleviate pain.
    • Proper aftercare promotes faster healing and maintains the tattoo's quality.
    • Brows appear darker initially but will lighten during the healing process.
    • Corrections are possible for unsatisfactory outcomes or color changes.
    • Scarring is a potential risk, emphasizing the need for an experienced artist.
    • Research and understanding the process are crucial before committing.
    • Side effects like itching, swelling, and infection can be minimized with proper care.
    • A reputable artist is key to achieving desired results and minimizing risks.
    • Dry and wet healing methods are used, with wet healing often preferred for even color recovery.
    • Avoid water, sun exposure, picking, cosmetics, strenuous activities, and substances affecting healing.
    • Use recommended aftercare products and keep the tattooed area clean.
    • Avoid sleeping on your face to prevent ink distortion.
    • Aftercare products, cleanliness, and avoiding certain activities facilitate faster healing.
    • Initial consultation, understanding the procedure, and following aftercare instructions are essential.
    • Semi-permanent eyebrow tattoos offer a solution for those seeking hassle-free, beautiful brows.
    • Awareness of the healing process and potential side effects is important for informed decisions.
    • Eyebrow tattoos require commitment to aftercare for the best outcomes.
    • Discussing expectations and desired results with a professional ensures satisfaction.
    • Awareness of personal skin type and its implications on the procedure is necessary.
    • The popularity of eyebrow tattooing reflects its effectiveness in enhancing facial features.
    • Choosing the right technique and artist is crucial for achieving the desired brow look.
    • Understanding the differences between permanent and semi-permanent options helps in decision-making.
    • Being prepared for the procedure and its aftermath ensures a smoother experience.
    • Adhering to aftercare advice is vital for the longevity and appearance of the eyebrow tattoo.
    • Knowledge of aftercare practices, such as keeping the area dry and using specific products, is key.
    • Recognizing the importance of protecting the tattoo from external factors is crucial for healing.
    • Being informed about the normal healing stages helps manage expectations.
    • Realizing that touch-ups may be necessary allows for maintaining the desired brow appearance.
    • Accepting that perfect symmetry may not be achievable but striving for a natural look is realistic.
    • Preparing for the procedure involves understanding potential discomfort and healing times.
    • Being aware of how lifestyle and skin care affect the tattoo's durability aids in long-term care.
    • Considering the semi-permanent nature of the tattoo allows for future adjustments.
    • Recognizing the role of professional expertise in achieving the best results underscores the value of choosing the right artist.
    • Appreciating the transformative effect of eyebrow tattoos on self-confidence and daily routines highlights their appeal.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    The healing process for eyebrow tattoos typically takes about 1 to 2 weeks. During this time, you may experience some scabbing and flaking as the skin heals. It's essential to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your tattoo artist to ensure a smooth healing process.

    It's generally recommended to avoid getting your freshly tattooed eyebrows wet for the first 7-10 days to prevent infection and color fading. You should also avoid swimming, saunas, and hot tubs during this time. After the initial healing period, it's essential to protect your eyebrows from prolonged exposure to water and sunlight to maintain the tattoo's longevity.

    Itching is a common part of the healing process. However, it's crucial not to scratch or pick at your tattooed eyebrows, as this can cause damage and color loss. Instead, gently pat the itchy area with a clean, dry cloth and follow any soothing recommendations provided by your tattoo artist, such as applying a recommended ointment or moisturizer.

    It's best to wait until your tattooed eyebrows have fully healed before applying makeup over them. This typically takes about 2 weeks, but it may vary depending on your individual healing process. Once they've healed, you can use makeup as desired, but remember to be gentle and avoid harsh products or excessive rubbing.

    To maintain the color and appearance of your tattooed eyebrows, protect them from excessive sun exposure and UV rays, as this can cause fading. Avoid using harsh exfoliants or chemical peels on your eyebrow area, as they can lighten the tattoo. Regularly apply sunscreen with SPF on your eyebrows when exposed to sunlight, and consider touch-up appointments every 1-2 years to keep your eyebrow tattoos looking fresh.

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