What Are the Most Common Misconceptions About Microblading?

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    Microblading has gained immense popularity in recent years as a semi-permanent solution to achieving fuller, more defined eyebrows. However, like any beauty procedure, it’s not without its fair share of misconceptions. In this blog, we’ll debunk some of the most common myths surrounding microblading to help you make informed decisions about whether it’s the right choice for you.

    It’s Just Like Tattooing

    One of the prevailing misconceptions about microblading is the belief that it’s essentially the same as traditional tattooing. While both procedures involve depositing pigment into the skin, the similarities end there. Microblading is a specialised technique specifically designed to create natural-looking eyebrows, whereas traditional tattooing is often used for creating permanent designs or patterns on various parts of the body.

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    Technique and Tools

    The most significant difference between microblading and tattooing lies in the technique and tools used. Microblading employs a manual hand tool equipped with ultra-fine needles to create precise, hair-like strokes that mimic the appearance of natural eyebrow hairs. This meticulous approach allows for greater control over the shape, thickness, and overall aesthetics of the eyebrows. 

    In contrast, traditional tattooing typically involves a machine that rapidly punctures the skin with a needle, depositing ink deep into the dermis layer. This results in bolder, more solid lines or shading, which may not be suitable for replicating the delicate, nuanced look of natural eyebrows.

    Depth of Pigment

    Another critical distinction is the depth at which the pigment is implanted into the skin. In microblading, the pigment is deposited only into the superficial layers of the epidermis, specifically the basal layer. This shallow placement ensures that the pigment remains relatively close to the surface, resulting in a more temporary effect that gradually fades over time.

    Conversely, traditional tattooing involves penetrating deeper into the dermis layer, where the ink is deposited permanently. The deeper placement of pigment in traditional tattoos is designed to withstand the natural shedding and regeneration of skin cells, resulting in long-lasting, permanent designs.

    Appearance and Results

    The ultimate goal of microblading is to create eyebrows that look natural and seamlessly blend with the client’s existing hair pattern and facial features. By carefully crafting individual strokes and customising the colour and shape, a skilled microblading technician can achieve remarkably realistic results that enhance the client’s appearance.

    It’s Pain-Free

    Despite what some may claim, microblading does involve a level of discomfort. While it’s true that some individuals may experience minimal discomfort during the procedure, it’s essential to recognise that microblading does involve a certain level of sensation due to the nature of the technique.

    Understanding Discomfort Levels

    The level of discomfort experienced during microblading can vary from person to person and is influenced by factors such as pain tolerance, skin sensitivity, and individual nerve responses. Some clients may describe the sensation as similar to light scratching or minor stinging, while others may find it more uncomfortable. However, it’s crucial to note that the discomfort is generally manageable and temporary.

    Numbing Creams

    To help minimise any potential discomfort, most microblading technicians apply topical numbing creams or gels to the eyebrow area before beginning the procedure. These numbing agents contain ingredients such as lidocaine or tetracaine, which temporarily block nerve signals in the skin, reducing the sensation of pain or discomfort. While numbing creams can effectively dull the sensation during the procedure, they may not completely eliminate it for everyone.

    Sensations During Microblading

    During the microblading process, clients may feel a combination of sensations, including pressure, tingling, or mild discomfort, as the technician works on creating the hair-like strokes. The sensation is typically most noticeable during the initial passes of the microblading tool and may lessen as the procedure progresses. Additionally, some clients may experience slight swelling or redness in the treated area following the procedure, which is a normal part of the healing process.

    Managing Expectations

    It’s essential for individuals considering microblading to have realistic expectations regarding the level of discomfort they may experience during the procedure. While some clients may find it relatively painless, others may feel more sensation depending on various factors. Communicating openly with your microblading technician about any concerns or discomfort you may experience can help ensure a more comfortable and positive experience overall.

    It’s Permanent

    One of the most significant misconceptions surrounding microblading is the belief that it results in permanent eyebrows. While microblading does involve implanting pigment into the skin, it’s important to understand that the results are not permanent and will gradually fade over time.

    • Understanding Semi-Permanent Makeup: Microblading falls under the category of semi-permanent makeup, which means that while the pigment is deposited into the skin, it is not intended to last indefinitely. Unlike traditional tattooing, which penetrates deeper into the dermis layer of the skin, microblading targets the superficial layers of the epidermis. As a result, the pigment fades more quickly and naturally as the skin undergoes its regular shedding and renewal process.
    • Factors Affecting Longevity: Several factors can influence how long microblading results last, including individual skin type, lifestyle factors, and aftercare practices. Individuals with oilier skin types may experience faster fading compared to those with drier skin. Additionally, exposure to sunlight, swimming pools, saunas, and certain skincare products can accelerate the fading process. Proper aftercare, such as avoiding excessive sun exposure and following the technician’s instructions for post-care, can help prolong the longevity of microblading results.
    • Maintenance and Touch-Ups: Due to the semi-permanent nature of microblading, maintenance and touch-up appointments are typically necessary to keep the eyebrows looking fresh and vibrant. Depending on individual factors, such as skin type and lifestyle, touch-up appointments may be recommended every 1 to 3 years. During these sessions, the technician can adjust the shape, colour, and density of the eyebrows as needed to maintain the desired look.
    • Temporary Results: It’s important for individuals considering microblading to understand that while the results are long-lasting, they are not permanent. The pigment gradually fades over time, allowing for flexibility in changing eyebrow styles or adjusting to changes in facial features. Unlike traditional tattoos, which are difficult to remove or modify, microblading offers a semi-permanent solution that allows for greater versatility and adaptability over time.

    Anyone Can Do It

    A prevailing misconception surrounding microblading is the belief that anyone can perform the procedure with minimal training or experience. However, the reality is that microblading is a specialised skill that requires extensive training, practice, and certification to achieve safe and satisfactory results.

    • Specialised Training and Certification: Microblading is not something that can be learned overnight or mastered through trial and error. Qualified microblading technicians undergo rigorous training programs that cover topics such as skin anatomy, colour theory, sanitation practices, and proper technique. Many training programs require participants to complete a certain number of supervised procedures and pass written and practical exams before receiving certification.
    • Understanding Facial Anatomy: A crucial aspect of microblading is understanding the intricacies of facial anatomy and how to create eyebrows that complement each client’s unique features. This includes considering factors such as face shape, eyebrow symmetry, and natural hair growth patterns when designing and shaping the eyebrows. A skilled microblading technician can customise the procedure to enhance the client’s natural beauty and achieve harmonious results.
    • Hygiene and Safety Standards: Ensuring the safety and well-being of clients is paramount in any cosmetic procedure, including microblading. Qualified technicians adhere to strict hygiene and safety standards to minimise the risk of infection and other complications. This includes using disposable tools and needles, sterilising equipment properly, and maintaining a clean and sanitary working environment. Attempting microblading without proper training and adherence to safety protocols can pose serious risks to both the technician and the client.
    • Artistic Skill and Precision: Microblading is as much an art as it is a technical skill. Achieving natural-looking eyebrows requires a keen eye for detail, artistic flair, and a steady hand. Each individual hair stroke must be carefully placed to create the illusion of fuller, more defined eyebrows that seamlessly blend with the client’s natural hair. This level of precision and artistry cannot be achieved without extensive training and practice.
    • Risk of Unsatisfactory Results: Attempting microblading without proper training and expertise significantly increases the risk of unsatisfactory results. Poorly executed microblading can lead to uneven eyebrows, unnatural-looking shapes, colour mismatches, and even scarring or infection. Achieving beautiful, long-lasting results requires the expertise of a qualified and experienced microblading technician who understands the nuances of the procedure and can tailor it to each client’s unique needs and preferences.

    It’s Maintenance-Free

    Another common misconception about microblading is the belief that it requires no maintenance once the initial procedure is completed. However, the truth is that microblading, like any cosmetic procedure, requires proper care and occasional touch-ups to maintain optimal results. Factors such as natural fading, lifestyle habits, and changes in skin condition can all affect the longevity and appearance of microblading.

    • Fading Over Time: While microblading results can last anywhere from 1 to 3 years, the pigment gradually fades over time due to factors such as sun exposure, skincare products, and the natural shedding of skin cells. As the pigment fades, the eyebrows may begin to lose their definition and appear less vibrant. Regular touch-up appointments are recommended to refresh the colour and shape of the eyebrows and ensure they remain looking their best.
    • Lifestyle Considerations: Certain lifestyle habits, such as exposure to sunlight, swimming, or using harsh skincare products, can accelerate the fading process and affect the longevity of microblading results. Clients are advised to take precautions to protect their eyebrows from excessive sun exposure and avoid activities that may cause the pigment to fade prematurely. Following the technician’s aftercare instructions and using sunscreen on the eyebrows can help prolong the lifespan of microblading results.
    • Touch-Up Appointments: To maintain the desired shape, colour, and density of the eyebrows, touch-up appointments are typically required every 1 to 2 years. During these sessions, the technician can assess the condition of the eyebrows, make any necessary adjustments, and refresh the pigment to ensure consistent and natural-looking results. Neglecting to schedule touch-up appointments can result in uneven fading and less satisfactory outcomes over time.
    • Proper Aftercare: Proper aftercare is essential for maximising the longevity of microblading results and minimising the need for frequent touch-ups. Clients are advised to follow the technician’s aftercare instructions carefully, which may include avoiding excessive sweating, sun exposure, and skincare products that contain exfoliating ingredients. Additionally, refraining from picking or scratching the treated area and using gentle cleansing products can help protect the eyebrows and promote optimal healing.
    • Realistic Expectations: Understanding that microblading is not entirely maintenance-free is crucial for managing expectations and achieving long-lasting results. While microblading offers a convenient and semi-permanent solution for enhancing the appearance of eyebrows, it does require some level of upkeep to preserve the desired look. By committing to proper aftercare and scheduling regular touch-up appointments, clients can enjoy beautiful and natural-looking eyebrows for years to come.

    It Looks Fake

    When done correctly by a skilled technician, microblading can result in natural-looking eyebrows that enhance your overall appearance. The key lies in choosing a technician who understands your desired outcome and can customise the shape, colour, and density of your eyebrows to suit your facial features. A reputable technician will work with you to achieve results that look authentic and complement your natural beauty.

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    It’s Suitable for Everyone

    While microblading is a popular option for many individuals seeking to enhance their eyebrows, it may not be suitable for everyone. Individuals with certain skin conditions, such as keloids or dermatitis, may not be ideal candidates for microblading. Additionally, pregnant or breastfeeding women are typically advised to wait before undergoing the procedure due to potential risks. It’s essential to consult with a qualified technician to determine whether microblading is right for you and to discuss any concerns or medical conditions you may have.

    It’s Immediately Perfect

    While some clients may achieve their desired results after the initial microblading session, it’s essential to understand that perfection may require patience and additional touch-up appointments. Factors such as skin type, healing process, and individual preferences can influence the outcome of microblading. Touch-up appointments allow the technician to make any necessary adjustments and ensure that the eyebrows heal evenly and beautifully. Remember that microblading is a process, and the final results may take time to fully reveal themselves.


    Microblading has surged in popularity as a means to attain natural-looking, fuller eyebrows, yet misconceptions surround this semi-permanent procedure. While often likened to traditional tattooing, microblading distinguishes itself through specialised tools and techniques focused on replicating realistic hair strokes. Unlike tattoos, microblading pigment resides in the epidermal layers, resulting in a temporary effect that gradually fades over time, typically lasting 1 to 3 years.

    Despite claims of painlessness, discomfort during microblading is common, with sensations varying based on individual tolerance and skin sensitivity. Numbing creams can ease discomfort, but complete pain elimination isn’t guaranteed. It’s vital for clients to manage expectations regarding discomfort and recognise the importance of communication with their technicians throughout the process.

    Additionally, the misconception of microblading as maintenance-free neglects the need for periodic touch-ups and proper aftercare. Regular maintenance appointments, typically every 1 to 2 years, are necessary to uphold eyebrow shape, colour, and density. Factors like sun exposure, skincare products, and lifestyle habits influence pigment longevity, necessitating adherence to aftercare instructions and lifestyle adjustments to preserve results.

    While microblading can yield natural-looking eyebrows when performed by skilled technicians, it may not be suitable for everyone, particularly those with certain skin conditions or during specific life stages like pregnancy. Understanding the nuances of microblading, from realistic expectations to maintenance requirements, empowers individuals to make informed decisions about this popular beauty procedure.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What Is Microblading?

    Microblading is a semi-permanent cosmetic procedure that enhances eyebrow appearance by depositing pigment into the skin to create hair-like strokes, resulting in fuller and more defined brows.


    How Long Does Microblading Last?

    Microblading results typically last between 1 to 3 years, depending on factors like skin type, lifestyle, and aftercare practices.


    Does Microblading Hurt?

    Discomfort during microblading is minimal for most individuals and can be managed with topical numbing creams applied before the procedure.


    Can Anyone Undergo Microblading?

    While microblading is suitable for many people, individuals with certain skin conditions or those who are pregnant or breastfeeding may not be eligible. It’s essential to consult with a qualified technician to determine suitability.


    How Do I Maintain My Microbladed Eyebrows?

    Proper aftercare, including avoiding excessive sun exposure and following the technician’s instructions, is crucial for prolonging the longevity of microblading results. Additionally, touch-up appointments every 1 to 2 years help maintain eyebrow shape and colour.

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