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Why Do Some Eyebrow Tattoos Turn Bluish, Grayish, Or Reddish?

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    Embarking on enhancing one's appearance through semi-permanent makeup, such as eyebrow tattoos, is an adventure filled with anticipation and hope.

    Yet, some adventurers find themselves puzzled when, instead of the lush, perfectly pigmented brows they envisioned, they observe their eyebrow tattoos morphing into unexpected shades of bluish, greyish, or even reddish hues. 

    This exploration is not just a discussion; it's a quest to understand the intricacies of pigment selection, skin undertones, the healing process, and how external factors like sun exposure and skincare routines influence eyebrow tattoos' longevity and colour fidelity.

    Armed with insights from industry experts, scientific studies, and real-life experiences, this blog aims to shed light on a subject that remains a mystery to many. 

    Whether you're a beauty enthusiast, considering eyebrow tattoos, or simply curious about the world of semi-permanent makeup, this comprehensive guide promises to enlighten, educate, and empower readers to make informed decisions about their beauty practices.

    Join us as we unravel the mystery behind the colour shifts of eyebrow tattoos, transforming confusion into clarity and curiosity into knowledge.

    Understanding Eyebrow Tattoos

    Eyebrow tattoos have emerged as a popular cosmetic solution for enhancing the appearance of eyebrows, offering a semi-permanent makeup option for those seeking fuller, more defined brows.

    This innovative procedure involves pigment implantation into the skin to mimic the natural look of eyebrows, catering to individuals with sparse, over-plucked, or uneven eyebrows. 

    With various techniques available, such as microblading, nano, and powder brows, each method offers a unique finish, from natural-looking hair strokes to a soft, powdery effect. The choice between these techniques depends on personal preference, skin type, and desired outcome.

    The Process Of Eyebrow Tattooing

    Eyebrow tattooing is a meticulous process typically involving several steps, starting with a consultation to discuss the desired shape, colour, and technique.

    The tattooing session may take up to two hours, during which a numbing cream is applied to minimize discomfort. A follow-up or touch-up session is often required to perfect the brows after the initial healing phase, ensuring the pigment's longevity and the desired shape's precision.

    Techniques Explained

    • Microblading: A popular method that uses a handheld tool to create fine, hair-like strokes, offering a natural and realistic look. Ideal for normal to dry skin types, microblading results can last up to two years.
    • Nano Brows: Similar to microblading, it utilizes a digital tattoo machine with a single needle, allowing for precise application. This technique suits various skin types, including oily or scarred.
    • Powder Brows: Known for their soft, powdery finish that resembles brow makeup, powder brows are achieved using a digital device and needle, suitable for those preferring a more filled-in look.
    • Combo Brows: A hybrid technique that combines hair strokes and shading to create fullness and texture, offering a balanced and realistic appearance.

    Aftercare And Longevity

    Proper aftercare is crucial to the healing and longevity of eyebrow tattoos. This includes avoiding water and excessive sweating, applying recommended ointments, and protecting the brows from direct sunlight.

    Depending on the technique and skin type, eyebrow tattoos can last 8 to 15 months, with touch-ups recommended to maintain their appearance.

    Considerations And Costs

    Choosing the right technique and artist is essential, as the quality of the outcome significantly depends on their expertise. Prioritizing skill and safety over price is important to ensure satisfactory results.

    The Science Behind Color Changes In Eyebrow Tattoos

    Eyebrow tattoos, a popular form of permanent makeup, can sometimes undergo unexpected colour changes, leaving individuals with hues that differ significantly from the original application. This phenomenon, which can result in eyebrows turning blue, grey, purple, red, or orange, is influenced by several factors, including the depth of pigment implantation, the quality and composition of the pigments used, and individual skin characteristics.

    Understanding The Color Change

    The primary reason behind the colour shift in eyebrow tattoos is the natural fading process combined with the skin's resurfacing cycle, which occurs approximately every 28 days.

    Since the pigments used for eyebrow tattoos are implanted at a shallower depth compared to traditional body tattoos, they are more susceptible to fading and colour changes over time. 

    The colour brown, commonly used for eyebrow tattoos, is not a single colour but a mixture of primary colours red, blue, and yellow. As these pigments naturally fade and the skin resurfaces, the balance among these primary colours can shift, leading to a change in the perceived colour of the tattoo.

    Factors Contributing To Color Changes

    Several factors can contribute to the colour changes observed in eyebrow tattoos:

    Poor Pigment Choice Or Quality: The selection of pigment colour plays a crucial role in how the colour will fade over time. Using high-quality pigments and choosing the right colour based on the client's skin undertones can help prevent undesirable colour shifts.

    Over-Sun Exposure: Frequent exposure to the sun can cause the ink to fade more quickly, leading to colour changes. Protecting the eyebrows from the sun with sunscreen can help maintain the original colour for longer.

    Daily Use Of Retinol: Products containing retinol can accelerate the fading process of the tattoo ink, resulting in colour changes. It's important to avoid applying retinol-containing products directly on the tattooed area.

    Not Maintaining Touch-Ups: Regular touch-ups are necessary to refresh the colour and maintain the desired look of the eyebrow tattoos. Failing to get touch-ups can lead to the tattoo fading unevenly and changing colour.

    Skin Characteristics: Individual skin characteristics, such as skin tone, skin type, and the presence of certain conditions like alopecia or hypothyroidism, can affect how the pigments are absorbed and retained, influencing the final colour of the tattoo.

    Preventing Color Changes

    Preventing undesirable colour changes in eyebrow tattoos is crucial for maintaining the intended appearance and avoiding the need for corrections later on. Here's a guide based on insights from various experts in the field.

    can you choose an eyebrow shape with microblading 1

    Key Strategies For Prevention

    • Choose the Right Pigment: The selection of pigment is critical. High-quality pigments designed specifically for eyebrow tattoos should be used. These pigments should be chosen based on the client's skin tones, undertones, and Fitzpatrick skin type. Avoid using pure black pigments for eyebrows, as they can turn blue or navy once healed.
    • Proper Technique: The depth of pigment implantation affects the colour outcome. Pigments should be placed at the correct depth within the skin to avoid reaching the blood vessels, which can cause a "blue glow." Overly deep pigmentation can make colour correction challenging and may necessitate laser removal.
    • Consider Skin Characteristics: Skin type, exposure to sunlight, and individual healing processes can influence how the pigment settles and fades over time. Clients should be advised to avoid excessive sun exposure and to use sunscreen to protect the tattooed area.
    • Experienced Technician: The skill and experience of the technician play a significant role in preventing undesirable colour changes. An experienced technician will know how to correctly select the right pigments and apply them to achieve the desired outcome.
    • Aftercare: The healing process and the colour integrity of the eyebrow tattoo depend on proper maintenance. Clients should follow aftercare instructions carefully, including keeping the area clean and avoiding certain skincare products that may affect the pigment.

    Correcting Color Changes

    If an eyebrow tattoo changes colour, there are ways to correct it:

    Colour Correction: Applying a warm shade of pigment over the cool tone can neutralize the colour. However, this may require multiple sessions, and the blue pigment may resurface over time.

    Laser Removal: Laser removal can fade the undesired colour, allowing a new, correctly coloured pigment to be applied. This method is often preferred for more significant corrections.

    When To Consider Removal Of Eyebrow Tattoo

    Deciding to remove an eyebrow tattoo is a significant choice that can arise from various reasons, including dissatisfaction with the appearance, changes in personal style, or the desire for a new look. Advanced laser technology, saline solutions, and other non-laser methods offer effective solutions for those looking to say goodbye to unwanted eyebrow tattoos. Here's a comprehensive guide on when to consider eyebrow tattoo removal, drawing insights from leading experts in the field.

    Immediate Regret Or Dissatisfaction

    If you're immediately unhappy with the results of your eyebrow tattoo, whether it's due to the shape, colour, or overall appearance, it might be time to consider removal. Some techniques allow emergency removal within the first 48 hours before scabbing forms, making the process easier and potentially more effective.

    Change In Trends Or Personal Style

    Eyebrow styles and personal preferences evolve. What was once fashionable or appealing may no longer suit your current taste or the natural aging of your face. Removal can offer a fresh start if your eyebrow tattoo no longer reflects your desired aesthetic.

    Fading Or Color Change

    Over time, eyebrow tattoos can fade or change colour, sometimes becoming undesired shades. Advanced laser treatments can target and remove these pigments, restoring a more natural look to your brows.

    Correction Of Poorly Executed Work

    Unfortunately, not all tattoo applications meet expectations. If you're dealing with poorly shaped, uneven, or incorrectly coloured tattoos, removal can pave the way for correction by a more skilled professional.


    Eyebrow tattoos are a popular way to improve the look of eyebrows and are a semi-permanent makeup choice for people who want bigger, more defined brows.

    Microblading, nano, and powder brows are some of the techniques that can be used.

    Each gives a different look. Which of these methods you choose relies on your skin type, personal taste, and the result you want.

    There are several steps to getting an eyebrow tattoo, including a meeting where you can talk about the shape, colour, and style you want.

    Microblading is a hand-held method for making thin lines that look like hair.

    The results can last for up to two years. Nano Brows is a digital tattoo machine with a single needle that works on all skin types, even those that are oily or have scars.

    A digital tool and needle are used to get powder brows, a soft, powdery finish. Combination Brows, a style that uses both hair lines and colouring, adds fullness and texture to the eyebrows.

    Aftercare is very important for eyebrow tattoos to heal and last a long time. Touch-ups are suggested to keep them looking good. 

    Most of the time, eyebrow tattoos change colour because of the skin's natural fading process and its cleaning cycle, which happens every 28 days.

    Tattoos on the eyebrows can fade over time if the pigment used isn't good, if they get too much sun, if you use retinol every day, if you don't get touch-ups, or if your skin has certain traits. It is very important to pick colours that are of good quality based on the client's skin tone, undertones, and Fitzpatrick skin type to avoid these changes.

    It is important to use the right amount of colour so that it doesn't reach blood vessels and cause a "blue glow." Pigment settling and fading can also be affected by the type of skin, how much sunshine it gets, and how fast it heals.

    Technicians with a lot of experience can help stop colour changes that aren't wanted by using the right pigments and putting them properly.

    Taking care of your tattoo after getting it is very important for keeping the colour true.

    There are two things that can be done if the colour of an eyebrow tattoo changes: colour adjustment or laser removal.

    Choosing to get rid of an eyebrow tattoo is a big decision.

    There are effective ways to do it that don't involve lasers, such as saline treatments, advanced laser technology, and others.

    Some methods let you get rid of the tattoo quickly, within 48 hours, before it starts to scab, while others give you a chance to start over if the tattoo no longer fits your style.

    what if i don't like my microblading shape 2

    Laser treatments that are more advanced can target and remove colours over time, giving your brows a more natural look. Correction of poorly done work can also be thought about if the tattoo is made badly, coloured wrongly, or uneven.

    Content Summary

    • Embarking on semi-permanent makeup, like eyebrow tattoos, brings anticipation and hope for enhanced beauty.
    • Some individuals find their eyebrow tattoos unexpectedly turn bluish, grayish, or reddish.
    • This blog explores the science behind pigment selection, skin undertones, and external factors affecting tattoos.
    • Insights from experts, studies, and experiences aim to demystify eyebrow tattoo color shifts.
    • The goal is to enlighten and educate on making informed semi-permanent makeup decisions.
    • Eyebrow tattoos offer a semi-permanent solution for fuller, more defined brows.
    • Techniques like microblading, nano, and powder brows cater to different preferences and skin types.
    • The tattooing process involves consultation, application, and often a follow-up session.
    • Microblading creates natural hair-like strokes, ideal for normal to dry skin.
    • Nano brows use a digital machine for precision, suitable for various skin types.
    • Powder brows achieve a soft, makeup-like effect, while combo brows blend techniques for texture.
    • Proper aftercare is crucial for the healing and longevity of eyebrow tattoos.
    • Eyebrow tattoos require touch-ups to maintain appearance, lasting 8 to 15 months.
    • Choosing the right technique and artist is essential, with costs varying significantly.
    • Color changes in eyebrow tattoos can result from pigment quality, sun exposure, and skin characteristics.
    • Natural fading and skin resurfacing contribute to color shifts in eyebrow tattoos.
    • Brown pigments can fade into blue, grey, purple, red, or orange due to their primary color mix.
    • High-quality pigments and consideration of skin undertones can prevent undesirable color changes.
    • Sun exposure and retinol use can accelerate fading and alter tattoo colors.
    • Regular touch-ups are necessary to refresh color and maintain eyebrow tattoo appearance.
    • Understanding the basics and prevention strategies is key to avoiding color changes.
    • Choosing high-quality pigments and the right application technique is crucial.
    • Skin type, sun exposure, and healing processes affect pigment settlement and fading.
    • An experienced technician can prevent unwanted color changes with correct pigment selection.
    • Proper aftercare and maintenance are essential for color integrity and tattoo longevity.
    • Color corrections can adjust unwanted hues, but may require multiple sessions.
    • Laser removal is an option for significant color corrections or unwanted tattoos.
    • Immediate dissatisfaction with eyebrow tattoos may lead to consideration of removal.
    • Changes in personal style or trends can make existing tattoos undesirable.
    • Fading or unwanted color changes are common reasons for seeking tattoo removal.
    • Poorly executed tattoos can be corrected or removed for better results.
    • Semi-permanent eyebrow tattoos provide a cosmetic enhancement for various needs.
    • The choice of technique depends on desired outcomes and individual characteristics.
    • The tattooing session includes meticulous planning and application for optimal results.
    • Microblading and nano brows cater to specific skin types and aesthetic preferences.
    • Combo brows offer a versatile approach, combining strokes and shading.
    • The longevity of eyebrow tattoos is influenced by skin type and care routines.
    • Investment in a skilled artist ensures the quality and satisfaction of the outcome.
    • Understanding color changes helps manage expectations and maintenance of eyebrow tattoos.
    • The blend of pigments in brow tattoos requires careful selection to prevent fading into unwanted colors.
    • External factors like sun and skincare products play a role in tattoo longevity.
    • Touch-ups are crucial for keeping eyebrow tattoos looking their best.
    • The right pigment and technique can make a significant difference in preventing color shifts.
    • Skin characteristics need consideration to achieve lasting and satisfactory tattoo colors.
    • Experienced technicians are key to achieving desired eyebrow tattoo outcomes.
    • Aftercare practices support the healing process and prevent premature color fading.
    • Correction techniques exist for addressing color changes, but may have limitations.
    • Laser removal offers a solution for unwanted color or dissatisfaction with eyebrow tattoos.
    • Deciding to remove an eyebrow tattoo is a significant choice influenced by various factors.
    • Eyebrow tattoo removal provides an option for those seeking to correct or update their appearance.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    The bluish or greyish tint seen in some eyebrow tattoos can be attributed to several factors, including the type of pigment used, the depth at which the pigment is implanted into the skin, and the individual's skin undertones. Metallic-based pigments, particularly those with a carbon or iron oxide base, are prone to oxidizing over time, leading to a shift in colour. Additionally, if the pigment is placed too deep, it may interact with the body's natural tissues, altering its appearance to a cooler tone.

    A reddish tint in eyebrow tattoos can occur for reasons similar to those causing bluish or greyish changes: the composition of the pigment and the depth of application. Pigments that contain a higher proportion of red or orange undertones can fade into a reddish hue, especially when exposed to factors such as sunlight, which can further break down the pigment. This effect is also influenced by the individual's skin chemistry and how it reacts with the pigment over time.

    Preventing your eyebrow tattoo from changing colour involves several proactive steps. Firstly, choosing a reputable and experienced tattoo artist who uses high-quality pigments designed specifically for semi-permanent facial tattoos is crucial. Secondly, following aftercare instructions meticulously to protect the pigment during the healing process is essential. This includes avoiding excessive sun exposure, using sunscreen on the brow area, and refraining from using skincare products with active ingredients over the tattooed area. Regular touch-ups can also help maintain the desired colour and intensity.

    Yes, the colour change in an eyebrow tattoo can often be corrected through touch-up sessions. A skilled semi-permanent makeup artist can adjust the colour by adding pigments that neutralize unwanted tones or enhance the original hue. In some cases, laser tattoo removal or pigment lightening techniques may be recommended before re-colouring to achieve the best results.

    The longevity of eyebrow tattoos before they begin to change color varies widely among individuals, depending on factors such as the pigment used, skin type, lifestyle, and exposure to environmental factors. Generally, eyebrow tattoos can last one to three years before noticeable colour changes occur. Regular maintenance and touch-up appointments can extend the lifespan of the desired colour and shape.

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