microblading fading when and how to do it

Microblading Fading: When And How To Do It?

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    Permanent makeup has some benefits, including fading with time. This may seem like a drawback at first, but in reality, it's excellent because it means you tweak and update the design every few years.

    Microblading has a limited lifespan of 12-18 months, after which you can get a touch-up to maintain the appearance or let it fade naturally. Suppose the fading occurs appropriately, of course. But, unfortunately, the microblading on some customers' faces reportedly doesn't fade as quickly as they'd hoped.

    If your microblading procedure is successful and you're happy with your new, natural-looking brows, you can enjoy them for months or even years with occasional touch-ups.

    There's always a chance that the end outcome will be different from what you were hoping for. It's possible to have brows you could be happier with despite your best efforts to prepare for the procedure and hire a skilled professional.

    If something like this were to occur, you shouldn't freak out. Even though microblading eyebrows are sometimes referred to as "(semi) permanent cosmetics," the effects can be minimised or even eliminated.

    Here's everything you need to know about microblading fading. Check out microblading page which has everything you might need near you.

    Before and After Image of Eyebrow Microblading

    Does Microblading Fade?

    If you don't get your microblading touched up, the results should fade naturally after two years as your body breaks down the pigments. However, options are available if you need your microblading to fade more quickly than that.

    Some scars, though, don't disappear for years after they've been applied. So one option would be to consider relocating if such were the case.

    Causes Of Microblading That Doesn't Fade

    Your System Is Unable To Break The Pigment Formula

    Pigments can be broken down and absorbed by the body because of how they are made. However, there is a wide variety of formulas available, and as this sector of the cosmetic industry is still mostly unregulated, there are several that could be better.

    When a pigment contains a component that the body has trouble breaking down, the result can be microblading that doesn't fade away. As a result, organic pigments are less prevalent than their non-organic counterparts, despite the fact that they fade far more slowly.

    Be sure to ask your artist about the quality and make of pigments they use. The formula also decides what colour your brows will gradually become. There are sometimes multiple pigment hues in a given formula; some may fade more quickly than others, depending on your unique body chemistry and the system's features. This is why most people notice an orange or bluish/grey shadow when their microblading hasn't faded correctly.

    Another common characteristic is that the tail, or the outside half of the brow, fades at a considerably slower rate. This is because the inner brow corners—and thus the heads—are considerably more flexible. Stimulating blood flow into them by contracting the muscles below speeds up the breakdown of pigments.

    Pigments Were Used Too Deeply

    When performed properly, microblading should deposit pigment in the dermis, the skin's middle layer. To avoid pigment blowout and irreversible scarring, the artist providing the procedure should not press the blade too deeply into the skin.

    The Pigments Infiltrated Scar Tissue

    Since scar tissue does not naturally exfoliate, injected colours may not dissolve as quickly as they would from healthy skin.

    Micro-scars will occur if a microblading treatment is performed incorrectly and the skin is injured. In addition, when pigments migrate into these micro-scars, the microblading may not fade as quickly as it normally would. That's why you should never choose a technician who claims to be self-taught.

    Frequently Asked Questions About Microblading Fading

    Fading may occur if the brow gets too wet after microblading, if improper ointment is used, or if the face is exposed to direct sunlight. Most patients choose dry healing since it is less time-consuming and has a cleaner appearance than wet healing.

    It would be best if you were patient since the microblading will disappear after the scabs fall off, which is quite natural. However, the colour will eventually return as time passes and the scabs fall off on their own. During this stage of the process, it is essential to continue according to the aftercare guidelines. After six weeks, you will be able to get an evaluation of your microbladed brows.

    It's a Normal Part of the Healing Process

    The pigment may appear faint to certain people, almost as if the microblading didn't take. However, this stage, known as the ghosting phase, is a natural and expected component of the rehabilitation process. Therefore, it is anticipated that the pigment will return.

    The microblading process is intended to be a semi-permanent solution, and it is perfectly safe when performed by a trained professional. This indicates that the tattoo is of the semi-permanent variety and is designed to disappear gradually over time. After the initial treatment, microblading should be gone within two years if no maintenance procedures are performed on it.

    If it has been more than two weeks and your pigment has disappeared, then this is most certainly NOT normal and is related to some other problem. In this particular instance, it is possible that your artist did not go as far as they could have. Your artist needs to go into the dermal-epidermal junction to produce long-lasting effects.

    Signs Of Bad Microblading Eyebrows

    Some customers are reluctant to have a cosmetic eyebrow tattoo due to fears of a failed microblading procedure.

    Here are some warning signals of poor microblading:

    • Arches that are uneven and asymmetrical
    • Too lengthy, too short, or too heavy needle strokes (the most common issue)
    • Arches are arranged in an interesting pattern.
    • Colour blocks as contrasted to hairlike strokes
    • Among other things, incorrect pigment colour selection

    Even if the treatment is completed, the patient may experience complications such as an infection, scars, or an allergic reaction if a patch test is not first conducted.

    Check out our range of eyebrow tattoo services to help with your problems. 

    Fixes For Microblading Not Fading

    If your microblading isn't fading, don't worry; technicians can correct the unsightly results. Just follow these steps:

    Procedures of Doing Microblading Tattoo


    Several different methods can remove an eyebrow tattoo.

    The term "laser removal" refers to the use of a focused beam of light to penetrate the skin and break down the pigments there. It normally takes a few sessions to get rid of a shadow, albeit the fewer sessions needed, the lighter the shadow. Unfortunately, laser removal is ineffective against yellow and red pigments.

    Salt extraction is another option. A machine or a sharp blade is used to make an incision in the skin, and then a solution is injected to help the pigments come out of the skin. This method is effective for all colours; you should only need one or two treatments to eliminate the shadow.


    When the microblading effect has faded to the point where it seems like a shadow, you can get it fixed and conceal the previous tattoo with a new one.

    The intensity of the correction relies on the skin's pigmentation level (how dark the shadow is):

    • If the shadow isn't too heavy, you can get the strokes redone and achieve a new microblading effect.
    • Microblading strokes on their own will only look nice if it's darker. Therefore, most people add shading to obtain a combination brow.
    • If your microblading isn't disappearing, your only alternative is to shade it, leaving you with a powder brow.

    However, you should know that a touch-up will always look better than your original brow waxing. And that's why getting rid of it is usually the best choice.

    How Can Microblading Be Faded At Home?

    There are various approaches to fading your microbladed brows at home.

    However, we must warn that attempting to fade your microblading at home on purpose can have negative consequences, such as inconsistent outcomes. In addition, the need for many applications of some of these techniques means that your brows will look messy as some areas fade more quickly than others.

    Furthermore, you can injure your skin from using too much mechanical power or too harsh of a substance, and you might still be unable to remove all of the pigment.

    Follow all the steps in the directions and stop immediately if your skin has any reaction to the DIY microblading fading. Seeing a dermatologist quickly after spotting infection symptoms is recommended.

    Tip #1 

    Ignoring the aftercare guidelines is the simplest approach to conducting DIY microblading fading. Your technician will initially instruct you to avoid getting your brows wet for at least 12 hours following the process. After that, don't touch your brows or put on makeup for a week, stay out of the sun, and try not to sweat too much.

    You might hasten the microblading removal process by ignoring the aftercare recommendations and sabotaging the procedure. It would be best if you put off that touch-up.

    After six weeks.

    It's important to remember that the treated skin has a longer recovery time and is more prone to infections after the surgery than untreated skin. In addition, in the days after a medical operation, your skin is more vulnerable to infection and irritation if you expose it to harsh skincare products, germs in chlorinated water, or other environmental irritants.

    Tip #2 

    Going to the sauna and the gym frequently will help keep your microblading looking fresh for longer but be aware that excessive sweating will hasten its fading. Perseverance and perspiration will eventually force the colour out. Just 15 minutes in a sauna, especially a FAR IR sauna, will cause your body to break out in heavy sweat. Being close to the water is a huge plus. The saltwater will have the same effect.

    Tip #3

    After your skin has recovered, you might use exfoliation to try and lighten the marks. Mechanical exfoliation removes the outermost layer of dead skin cells and while doing so, a little bit of pigment on the skin's surface. Some products feature exfoliating compounds that provide a similar function, albeit at a stronger level.

    Cosmetologists use chemical peels and microdermabrasion, the most effective exfoliating techniques. Even after one session, your brows will fade unevenly, but the strokes should appear lighter.

    Tip #4

    One of the most efficient ways to fade microblading is using salt peel removal. The sodium chloride in it exfoliates while binding PMU pigments and drawing them out of the skin, making the strokes less noticeable.

    Exfoliating the brow with salt and a little water is all this entails. The grains will exfoliate the skin's surface, and the solution will absorb into the skin and break down some of the skin's pigment as they degrade. Though this approach has the potential to be effective, it could take some time and leave your skin more vulnerable to infections.

    Tip #5

    Hydrogen peroxide can fade microblading within the first 72 hours after treatment. Combine baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to form a paste, apply it to your eyebrows, and wash it off after a few minutes. The problem is that putting it on raw, unhealed skin can be painful and lead to infection.

    Tip #6

    The same tattoo bleaching creams that work for fading traditional tattoos should also fade microblading. Still, because the tattoo business is highly unregulated, there is a risk that these treatments contain skin-bleaching substances that will leave permanent lighter patches on the skin around the area.

    Only use this approach if you have a strong grasp of chemistry and are confident in the safety of the product's constituents before putting it on your skin.

    Why Would Anyone Want To Speed Up Microblading Fading?

    One's brows may be faded for a variety of reasons:

    • The brows are noticeably darker than desired immediately following treatment. This is because it takes roughly two weeks for the pigments to integrate into the skin fully. As time passes, they'll turn into the ideal hue. But other customers can't wait and choose a faster microblading fade.
    • Pigments have been known to turn orange or blue/grey within six months, and some patients were initially unhappy with the form or colour they ended up with. When this occurs, it's usually because of sloppy work, cheap pigment, or a lack of aftercare. In this scenario, letting the pigment fade away on its own won't do the trick. Microblading colour correction is a substitute for fading in this scenario.
    • Microblading may only be for some because some people get tired of it sooner than expected.

    How To Prevent Fading Microblading

    If you want perfect eyebrows, you should go to a professional. But the quality of the final output depends on how you care for your skin.

    Taking care of a microbladed tattoo is similar to caring for a conventional tattoo. In 2 hours, use a cotton swab dampened in sterile water to clean the area. This technique will help you eliminate any unnatural pigmentation in your brows. And it'll keep the area sterile for good measure. Our exclusive range of eyeliner tattoo services will help you in eyebrow microblading, feathering or hair stroke eyebrow tattooing procedures. 

    Microblading pigment takes 7–14 days to fade to the correct shade and make the skin look healed. We've compiled this short instruction to help you maintain your newly microbladed eyebrows.

    • For at least seven days, avoid getting the area wet.
    • Avoid wearing makeup for at least a week.
    • Do not pick at scabs or pull on the brow area.
    • Saunas, swimming, and excessive sweating should be avoided until the area has healed completely.
    • Use the healing balm suggested by your technician as directed.

    Importantly, sunscreen used on the brow area that has been treated may help prevent fading.


    Microblading lasts 12–24 months before fading or needing touch-ups. If the effects don't fade after two years, relocation may be an option. Pigments can be absorbed because of their composition. Thus, your artist's pigment quality and brand must be inquired about. Different pigment hues may fade faster in the same composition. Microblading deposits pigment in the dermis, but the blade shouldn't be too deep.

    However, some consumers are wary of cosmetic eyebrow tattoos due to microblading failures. Poor microblading results in uneven and asymmetrical arches, excessively long, short, or heavy needle strokes, colour blocks instead of hairlike strokes, wrong pigment colour choices, and infection, scarring, or allergic reactions. Professional laser or salt extraction can treat microblading that doesn't fade. If the shadow isn't too thick, you can get the strokes repeated and get a new microblading outcome. Fading microbladed brows at home can cause inconsistent results.

    Disregarding aftercare instructions and hoping for the best is the fastest way to remove DIY microblading. After surgery, treated skin heals slower and is more prone to infection. Exfoliation removes microblading best, but excessive sweating speeds it up. Chemical peels and microdermabrasion are preferable, although hydrogen peroxide can be painful and infective. Tattoo bleaching treatments lighten microblading too.

    After microblading, the pigment can take 7-14 days to fade to the desired shade and heal. Therefore, it's important to take care of the treated area. Please don't get the area wet, cover it with makeup for a week, don't pick at the scabs, don't pull your eyebrows, and use the technician's healing balm. Some studies say sunscreen can prevent colour loss.

    Content Summary

    • Permanent makeup has some benefits, including fading with time.
    • If your microblading procedure is successful and you're happy with your new, natural-looking brows, you can enjoy them for months or even years with occasional touch-ups.
    • It's possible to have brows you could be happier with despite your best efforts to prepare for the procedure and hire a skilled professional.
    • Even though microblading eyebrows are sometimes referred to as "(semi) permanent cosmetics," the effects can be minimised or even eliminated.
    • If you don't get your microblading touched up, the results should fade naturally after two years as your body breaks down the pigments.
    • However, options are available if you need your microblading to fade more quickly than that.
    • Another common characteristic is that the tail, or the outside half of the brow, fades at a considerably slower rate.
    • Micro-scars will occur if a microblading treatment is performed incorrectly and the skin is injured.
    • That's why you should never choose a technician who claims to be self-taught.
    • Some customers are reluctant to have a cosmetic eyebrow tattoo due to fears of a failed microblading procedure.
    • If your microblading isn't fading, don't worry; technicians can correct the unsightly results.
    • Unfortunately, laser removal is ineffective against yellow and red pigments.
    • The intensity of the correction relies on the skin's pigmentation level (how dark the shadow is): If the shadow isn't too heavy, you can get the strokes redone and achieve a new microblading effect.
    • However, you should know that a touch-up will always look better than your original brow waxing.
    • There are various approaches to fading your microbladed brows at home.
    • Follow all the steps in the directions and stop immediately if your skin has any reaction to the DIY microblading fading.
    • Ignoring the aftercare guidelines is the simplest approach to conducting DIY microblading fading.
    • After that, don't touch your brows or put on makeup for a week, stay out of the sun, and try not to sweat too much.
    • You might hasten the microblading removal process by ignoring the aftercare recommendations and sabotaging the procedure.
    • It's important to remember that the treated skin has a longer recovery time and is more prone to infections after the surgery than untreated skin.
    • In addition, in the days after a medical operation, your skin is more vulnerable to infection and irritation if you expose it to harsh skincare products, germs in chlorinated water, or other environmental irritants.
    • Going to the sauna and the gym frequently will help keep your microblading looking fresh for longer, but be aware that excessive sweating will hasten its fading.
    • After your skin has recovered, you might use exfoliation to try and lighten the marks.
    • One of the most efficient ways to fade microblading is using salt peel removal.
    • Exfoliating the brow with salt and a little water is all this entails.
    • Hydrogen peroxide can fade microblading within the first 72 hours after treatment.
    • Combine baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to form a paste, apply it to your eyebrows, and wash it off after a few minutes.
    • Microblading colour correction is a substitute for fading in this scenario.
    • If you want perfect eyebrows, you should go to a professional.
    • Taking care of a microbladed tattoo is similar to caring for a conventional tattoo.
    • This technique will help you eliminate any unnatural pigmentation in your brows.
    • Microblading pigment takes 7–14 days to fade to the correct shade and make the skin look healed.
    • We've compiled this short instruction to help you maintain your newly microbladed eyebrows.
    • Avoid wearing makeup for at least a week.
    • Do not pick at scabs or pull on the brow area.
    • Use the healing balm suggested by your technician as directed.
    • Importantly, sunscreen used on the brow area that has been treated may help prevent fading.
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