temporary eyebrow tattoo

How To Protect Eyebrows After Microblading?

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    If you're planning on undergoing microblading, then you know how important it is to take proper care of your newly treated eyebrows to ensure long-lasting results. Unfortunately, this process isn't always easy and can often be overwhelming for those who don’t know the best practices when protecting their brows post-microblading. 

    We know that life following a microblading treatment can be difficult to navigate because of all the questions regarding what to do and what items are safe to use. So, if you've recently had microblading done and want to know how to maintain your eyebrows looking pristine, this post has all the information you need!

    Image of Before and After Eyebrow Feathering

    Taking Care Of Microbladed Eyebrows While They Heal

    It takes between four and eight weeks for microblading to heal completely. It all depends on how old you are, what your skin is like, and how healthy you are. During that time period, you will encounter the following:

    • Colour change.
    • Tenderness
    • Scabbing
    • Swelling

    Your skin's sensitivity means you should take special care to prevent further irritation. Care for your microbladed eyebrows as directed by your artist. Also, reading our comprehensive daily guide may give you a better idea of what to anticipate during the recovery process.

    Let's examine the value of these guidelines and the best way to implement them.

    Cleaning Your Brows

    You can remove lymph fluid accumulation using a cotton pad and a few drops of water. Please only clean with the items provided.

    Avoiding infections by keeping your eyebrows tidy. In essence, they are a gaping sore. Keep them away from dirt and dust and avoid handling them if your hands aren't clean. Always wash your hands before and after touching your face, especially if you can't help but touch it.

    When caring for your microblading, "washed" does not necessarily mean "soaking wet." For example, to avoid lymphatic congestion, use only slightly damp cotton pads to wipe your face and neck after a swim or shower instead of splashing water, using soap, etc.

    Maintaining Dryness Outside Of Cleaning

    The pigment settling in your microbladed eyebrows can be messed up if you get them wet. Especially during the first two weeks of healing, your skin will require alterations to your daily routine. In the shower, take every precaution to avoid water getting into your eyes. Below, you'll find detailed instructions for taking care of your microbladed eyebrows in the shower. Looking for microblading salon? Look no further,Cosmetic Tattoo by Rach got you covered.

    Consider visiting a salon the next time you need a hair wash. The following are some suggestions for washing your hair after getting microbladed. Use caution when you cleanse your face each morning. Instead of splashing water on your face, use a cotton pad soaked in a facial cleanser. It would be best if you didn't go swimming until your wound has healed.

    Sweat Protection

    Sweat reduces performance and raises the risk of skin irritation and illness. The sweat's salt content is the source of the problem, as it strips the skin of its natural colours.

    This action is so potent that saline treatments are commonly used to remove unwanted cosmetic tattoos, especially those that have faded or been poorly applied. Artists will tell you the following while giving you aftercare instructions for microblading:

    Getting back into an outdoor workout routine too soon after your appointment could cause complications. Also, to avoid ruining your microbladed eyebrows due to sweat, use these tips:

    • Wear an absorbent headband.
    • Use a sports sweatband.
    • Always wipe your forehead and hairline.

    Apply The Prescribed Aftercare Cream

    Avoid putting makeup on your face for at least two weeks after getting microblading done, and don't touch the area around your eyebrows for at least three days. The makeup and your makeup remover may aggravate the delicate skin surrounding your eyebrows.

    There is a risk that they will enter the tiny incisions and cause difficulties. The healing process may be expedited by using a wet healing regimen, as suggested by your artist. That's why it's important to use a soothing lotion or ointment after you pluck your eyebrows. It is called "dry healing" when you opt to let them heal on their own.

    After your microblading appointment, your artist will provide specific aftercare instructions according to your skin type.

    Frequently Asked Questions About Microblading

    During the first week after your treatment, you should avoid getting any liquid, lotion, soap, or makeup on the area around your eyebrows at all costs. Please avoid getting water on the treated area while you wash your face, paying special attention to the area around your eyebrows. Either keep your face away from the shower head while you're in the shower or switch to taking a bath.

    On day 5, you'll notice that things are starting to go in a different direction. It is important to resist the urge to scratch your brows at this stage of the healing process because the wound may still be open. Even though your brows may be irritating, it is best not to scratch them. It's possible that a thick layer of scabbing will grow, which will cover up the fine hair strokes that were generated earlier.

    When it comes to the issue, "When can I start washing my eyebrows after getting them microbladed?" The answer is "immediately." The quick answer is at least ten days, but the longer answer is that it takes as much time as it takes for your eyebrows to cleanse and cure themselves naturally.

    Take your time lathering your hair in the shower and keep your hands over your brows to avoid getting water in your eyes. Do not expose your face to the water while showering. Avoid doing face washing while you're in the shower. Make sure you're not washing your face in the treatment area by using a mirror.

    Remember that you must avoid getting any moisture on your face or brows for the first twenty-four hours following the microblading treatment. You are free to resume washing your face when an interval of twenty-four hours has passed. However, before applying any soap, even the mildest one possible, you should make sure the brows have sufficiently healed.

    How Long Does Microblading Last?

    The effects of microblading typically persist between 18 and 30 months.

    The procedure's duration will vary depending on your skin's characteristics and your personal preferences. Since not all skin is created equal and some respond better to pigment than others, the time between touch-ups might vary greatly.

    Microblading pigments are designed to fade gradually over time. Maintenance can be achieved with touch-ups, though some people wait until the colour has nearly disappeared before undergoing surgery again. This is a pricier alternative to the more common practice of filling in faded areas of colour.

    What You Should Be Aware Of?

    The microblading device must always be disposable, single-use equipment. If you arrive at your scheduled microblading session and do not observe your technician opening a new tool, you should either insist that they do so or cancel your appointment.

    Despite the belief that microblading is just as risk-free as conventional tattooing, there is still a shortage of clinical investigations and medical research to back up this claim. Both the technician and the environment must inspire trust and confidence.

    Knowing how your skin will react to microblading is just as important as taking precautions to prevent harm.Check out our range of eyebrow feathering services to help with your problems. 

    Some experts on microblading, for instance, think clients with dry skin will have better results than those with oily skin.

    There is also the possibility that particular skin care products will affect the treatment's outcome or durability. Avoid the following skin care products if you plan on getting microbladed eyebrows done:

    • acids
    • fragrance
    • chemical peels
    • retinol
    • microdermabrasion
    • mechanical exfoliation


    Researching your technician is the first and most significant step you can take to protect yourself against a microblading infection. Unfortunately, a technician's licence is only mandated in some jurisdictions.

    If they still need a licence, you might ask for proof that they passed a health inspection. Both certifications should reassure you that the professional medical treating you is reputable.


    Microblading is a cosmetic surgery that involves the application of a device with attached needles used to draw individual hairlike strokes onto the skin, mimicking the appearance of brow hairs. The method involves depositing pigment into the dermis (the second layer of skin) by hand.

    It's similar to getting a tattoo but it fades away after a while. Some compare the sensation to having one's eyebrows threaded; they claim it's awkward but not unpleasant. Depending on the shape of the client's eyebrows and the technician's skill, the treatment might take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.

    After-Microblading Skin Care

    Microblading aftercare for the skin is similar to tattoo aftercare, albeit more involved.

    The technique will cause the pigment to become very black and the underlying skin to turn bright red. Needles are used to making incisions in the skin, so it's natural for the area around the puncture to be a bit sore and red afterwards.

    It would be best to clean the microbladed area with a cotton swab dipped in sterile water around 2 hours after the procedure. Any remaining dye on your brows will be removed in this manner. Additionally, it will maintain a sterile environment. The skin will start to seem healed, and the pigment will fade to the desired shade after 7–14 days.

    Care for your skin after microblading by doing the following:

    • No water should be allowed near the spot for at least a week. This includes not getting water in your face while you're washing it.
    • For at least a week, go without cosmetics. This is because it takes time for colours to settle into the microscopic wounds left by the blading.
    • If you have scabbing or itching in the eyebrow area, resist the urge to pick at it.
    • Refraining from saunas, swimming, and extreme sweating until your follow-up appointment is best.
    • Avoid having hair fall into your eyes.
    • It would be best if you used the prescribed topical anaesthetic and healing balm as prescribed by your technician.

    Your investment in microblading will be best preserved if you give your skin the treatment it needs after complete healing. SPF sunscreen applied to the microbladed area may help delay the fading process.

    Potential Complications

    Pigment-related skin infections can occur if the pigment causes inflammation or an allergic reaction. Some people experience pain and discomfort during the operation, and some report feeling a mild stinging sensation for up to a week.

    After leaving your technician's office, it is uncommon to experience acute pain in the affected area. However, keep a close eye on the microbladed area if it develops a swollen or puffy appearance. Discharge with a yellow hue or very intense redness are both possible indicators of infection.

    See a doctor immediately if there is any sign of swelling, pus drainage, or persistent scabbing after two weeks. The proximity of the eyes and brain to the eyebrow area makes any infection particularly dangerous if it spreads to the bloodstream. If you end up with an infection after microblading, you'll need to be treated with medication right away.

    If any of the following apply to you, microblading is not for you.

    • are susceptible to keloids
    • are pregnant
    • having received an organ transplant

    Those with liver disease or a viral infection like hepatitis should exercise extra caution.

    Microblading Touch-Ups

    After your eyebrows have healed, you'll return for your first touch-up visit. To make any necessary adjustments and complete the shape of your new brows. After that, you'll need touch-up appointments again and then.

    Before and After Photograph of Eyebrow Tattoo

    Keeping your eyebrows safe after a touch-up is just as important as keeping them safe after the initial procedure. Minor repairs normally only necessitate a few days of downtime for recovery.See more of our eyebrow tattoo services. 

    After the first consultation, you should be able to return for another checkup for 9 to 15 months. The answer is nuanced and dependent on the individual's way of life and how they care for their brows. Schedule extra visits if you believe you need them. Regular care will ensure that it lasts for years and continues to look great.

    General Skincare

    Finding a routine that works for your schedule and skin is important. For example, if you tend to sweat heavily or have oily skin, you should pay special attention to cleansing and moisturising.

    If you have any questions about the long-term care of your eyebrows after microblading, feel free to consult your artist. They will be able to advise you on suitable skincare products that will not impede the development of your new pigments.

    Retinol-containing products should be avoided in the vicinity of the brows. Since retinol speeds up the fading process, you should look for alternatives like glycerine and panthenol instead. Another popular option is virgin oils, which help the skin retain its elasticity and youthful appearance while protecting it from infection.

    Sunlight Protection

    Even after the pigment has dried, it might be damaged by the sun. So, when your skin has fully recovered, scroll back up and give the tactics for protecting the brows from the sun another tries.

    Sunscreen is still important, even in the colder months. Even if its chilly outside, prolonged sun exposure is dangerous. Sunlight is greater in the winter because of the snow's reflection than in the summer. Maintain your regular winter skincare routine to prevent damage to your eyebrows.


    Microblading aftercare instructions are the most important information here. Microblading requires extra caution for four to eight weeks as the skin heals. Avoid touching your eyebrows and use a damp cotton pad to remove lymph fluid to keep them clean. If you must touch your face, wash your hands before and after, and after a swim or shower, wipe your face and neck with a cotton pad dipped in water instead of splashing water or using soap. Don't get water in your eyes while showering.

    Microblading lasts 18–30 months, and the pigments degrade gradually. After microblading, use a soothing lotion or ointment and wear an absorbent headband and sports sweatband. If the technician refuses, find another salon. Microblading uses a device with needles to make small, hairlike strokes on the skin to mimic natural brow hairs. Like a tattoo, it fades.

    Know how your skin will react and study your technician to avoid microblading infections. Like tattoo aftercare, microblading should be cleaned with a cotton swab in sterile water two hours after the treatment. After 7-14 days, the skin should seem normal, and the pigment should fade to the right shade. No water, cosmetics, scabbing, scratching, saunas, swimming, or extreme sweating for a week, and use the suggested topical anaesthetic and healing balm. Applying high-SPF sunscreen to microbladed areas may reduce fading.

    Microblading is not for those with keloids, liver disease, hepatitis, pregnancy, or organ transplants. You'll need follow-up appointments a few weeks following your initial treatment to polish your new brows and ensure proper healing. After a touch-up, eyebrow maintenance is just as important as before. Microblading eyebrows are permanent, and the aftercare is complex and individual. Winter skincare must include cleansing, moisturising, and avoiding retinol. After the pigment dries, brows might still be sunburnt, so protect them.

    Content Summary

    • If you're planning on undergoing microblading, then you know how important it is to take proper care of your newly-treated eyebrows to ensure long-lasting results.
    • It takes between four and eight weeks for microblading to heal completely.
    • Care for your microbladed eyebrows as directed by your artist.
    • Avoiding infections by keeping your eyebrows tidy.
    • Especially during the first two weeks of healing, your skin will require alterations to your daily routine.
    • In the shower, take every precaution to avoid water getting into your eyes.
    • Consider visiting a salon the next time you need a hair wash.
    • The following are some suggestions for washing your hair after getting microbladed.
    • Use caution when you cleanse your face each morning.
    • Also, to avoid ruining your microbladed eyebrows due to sweat, use these tips: Wear an absorbent headband.
    • Always wipe your forehead and hairline.
    • The healing process may be expedited by using a wet healing regimen, as suggested by your artist.
    • After your microblading appointment, your artist will provide specific aftercare instructions according to your skin type.
    • The effects of microblading typically persist between 18 and 30 months.
    • Despite the belief that microblading is just as risk-free as conventional tattooing, there is still a shortage of clinical investigations and medical research to back up this claim.
    • Both the technician and the environment must inspire trust and confidence.
    • Knowing how your skin will react to microblading is just as important as taking precautions to prevent harm.
    • Avoid the following skin care products if you plan on getting microbladed eyebrows done: Researching your technician is the first and most significant step you can take to protect yourself against a microblading infection.
    • Unfortunately, a technician's licence is only mandated in some jurisdictions.
    • Depending on the shape of the client's eyebrows and the technician's skill, the treatment might take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.
    • Microblading aftercare for the skin is similar to tattoo aftercare, albeit more involved.
    • No water should be allowed near the spot for at least a week.
    • Refraining from saunas, swimming, and extreme sweating until your follow-up appointment is best.
    • Your investment in microblading will be best preserved if you give your skin the treatment it needs after complete healing.
    • After leaving your technician's office, it is uncommon to experience acute pain in the affected area.
    • See a doctor immediately if there is any sign of swelling, pus drainage, or persistent scabbing after two weeks.
    • If you end up with an infection after microblading, you'll need to be treated with medication right away.
    • After your eyebrows have healed, you'll return for your first touch-up visit.
    • After that, you'll need touch-up appointments again and then.
    • After the first consultation, you should be able to return for another checkup for 9 to 15 months.
    • Finding a routine that works for your schedule and skin is important.
    • If you have any questions about the long-term care of your eyebrows after microblading, feel free to consult your artist.
    • Even after the pigment has dried, it might be damaged by the sun.
    • So, when your skin has fully recovered, scroll back up and give the tactics for protecting the brows from the sun another tries.
    • Maintain your regular winter skincare routine to prevent damage to your eyebrows.
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