When Can I Wash My Eyebrows After Microblading?

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    If you are considering the latest and greatest in permanent cosmetics, microblading, to enhance your appearance, you should educate yourself on the procedure and its aftercare.

    Because microblading is technically a tattoo, a specific aftercare regimen must be maintained while the brows heal. After getting their eyebrows microbladed, most customers want to know how soon they may wash them.

    As you wait, you take care to prevent the treated area from coming into contact with any standing water. To avoid damaging your microbladed skin, you shouldn’t immediately resume washing your face with hot water. It’s important to avoid getting your brows wet in the days following a microblading session, as is the case with any chemical treatment. Check out our microblading page which has everything you might need near you.

    If you want a simple response, it’s somewhere in the range of two weeks to ten. There is a two-day waiting period required before you can wet your eyebrows.

    Certain professionals recommend waiting 7-10 days before washing your face after microblading. However, the precise time required will change depending on how quickly you recover.

    Water should be avoided or used sparingly for mild washing to eliminate extra fluid for the first seven days.

    Extra lymph fluid can be soaked up with the help of a cotton pad dampened with sterile water. After therapy, the lymph flood drains from the wound.

    Microblading aftercare requires constant attention. For example, eyebrows that have been microbladed may fade or disappear if exposed to water, soap, or shampoo.

    Image of Before and After Cosmetic Eyebrow Tattoo

    Washing Your Eyebrows: Day One

    Most experts recommend waiting for at least two to three hours before washing your microbladed brows, so keep that in mind if you have a shower scheduled soon after your procedure. You might get beads of sweat where your brows usually are when that happens. That sound you hear is the lymph draining from the cut.

    Lymph must be drained. On day one, wipe your brows down with a cotton pad dampened with sterile water a few times to remove any lingering lymph fluid.

    Washing Your Microbladed Brows: Day 2-10

    Brows that have been microbladed can be washed, although extreme caution is still required. In this modern era, how do you clean them? Light, non-rubbing strokes alone, please. Cleanse your brows with antibacterial soap and water, then pat dry with a tissue.

    Moisturising Your Microbladed Brows

    Some makeup professionals suggest using an ointment to keep the skin on your brows supple. However, applying too much of the prescribed ointment could make the wound clogged. Apply it first to prevent your eyebrows from becoming wet in the shower.

    Frequently Asked Questions About Microblading

    Can I Get My Eyebrows Wet Seven Days After Microblading?

    For at least a week, you should keep the area dry. This includes not getting water on your face when you shower. Also, at least one week should pass without you applying any makeup. This is occuring due to the colours continuing to settle into the shallow incisions in your skin that were produced by the blading.

    How Do I Know When My Microblading Is Healed?

    After one month, your skin will be entirely restored to normal. You shouldn’t be experiencing any pain or discomfort at all. Additionally, make sure that your eyebrows are fluffy and thick looking. You will likely have a follow-up consultation with your provider in another month or two after that.

    Why Has My Microblading Disappeared?

    When the top layer of skin peels off, the microblading strokes frequently vanish by that point. THIS IS TO BE EXPECTED. This is because there is still a substantial layer of protecting skin acting as a veil over the pigment.

    How Can I Make My Microblading Last Longer?

    After your microblading appointment, you should avoid going into the sun as much as possible. Sun exposure must be reduced during the healing process. Using an SPF product on the brows or covering the face with a hat or visor when you are out in the sun will help keep your brows looking fresh. During this time, solar exposure should be minimised.

    Why Is My Microblading Not Peeling?

    Customers with oily skin types do not experience scabbing after microblading is performed on them. This is because oily skin secretes sufficient sebum to keep the treated area moist and avoid substantial lymph leaking.

    How Can I Heal From Microblading Faster?

    If you can speed up the healing process, it will be less crucial to know how long you have to wait before washing your eyebrows after microblading. There are a few things that could aid that, so we’ll examine them all. See more of our  eyebrow feathering services. 

    1. Gentle Cleanser

    Washing your skin with a mild antibacterial soap is a great way to remove dirt and germs. Cosmetic tattoo aftercare is another functional area. Keep away from strong cleansers like glycolic acid and Retin A. To dry the area, pat it softly with a tissue.

    If you just got your eyebrows microbladed, you shouldn’t go swimming. But, as we mentioned earlier, there must be a sort of purification. A good antibacterial soap, like the one you use on your skin, is ideal for cleaning the area around your cosmetic tattoo before and after application. It would be best if you avoided anything that contains Retin A or glycolic acid.

    When you’re finished, use a towel to pat it dry instead of rubbing it dry. Then, again, discuss the procedure and the materials you plan to utilise with your artist.

    2. Avoid Using Makeup

    As a final precaution, avoid applying anything too rough to the area surrounding your brows while it is healing. That means skipping your skincare routine and covering up with makeup.

    3. Ointment

    You can’t possibly disagree with this. You should apply a thin coating of aftercare ointment to the microbladed area twice daily, in the morning and before bed. In addition, this will prevent the colour from fading. Using clean fingers to apply the lotion to your skin would be best.

    Applying it is an important aspect of speeding up the recovery time after getting an ointment tattoo. Avoiding moisture is crucial, but you’ll also need to clean it. To achieve this, consider applying an aftercare ointment very sparingly, preferably twice a day.

    The best time would be first thing in the morning and right before you go to bed at night.

    Your artist may suggest some specific ointment, but here is a decent one.

    4. Certain Activities Should Be Avoided

    If you were to touch them, you would want to steer clear of any activities that could affect your eyebrows. These pursuits could include vigorously cleaning the house or even going to the tanning salon. You also can avoid riding in vehicles that allow you to be exposed to the air, as this increases the risk of debris embedding in your recently microbladed eyebrows. Finally, you should limit how much you sweat as one of the most important things you can do.

    How Do I Keep My Eyebrows Dry While Showering?

    Yes, permanent makeup costs are associated, but that is no excuse to neglect personal cleanliness. No one likes oily hair. Therefore it’s important to wash it regularly.

    We also suggest keeping your forehead dry as you wash away the day’s weariness with some cool detritus. Follow these easy steps to preserve the look of your freshly microbladed brows.

    The secret is easy to understand. It is imperative that you exercise caution and turn your back on the showerhead at all times while you are in there. It is generally recommended to begin washing your hair by positioning your head directly under the showerhead and avoiding getting any water on your face.

    You can give your face a quick rinse and then use a clean tissue to lightly pat your eyebrows while giving your face a gentle patting motion. Here’s one more tip that’ll have you coming back to thank us. Get a good pair of goggles for yourself! Put them on, and then you can relax and shower without worrying about your eyebrows being wet.

    Hold on, and hold off on turning around just yet. To maximise the results of your microblading, you must still adhere to a set of guidelines.

    What Happens If My Brows Get Wet After Microblading?

    After having microblading performed on your eyebrows, most industry professionals advise waiting until your brows have completely healed before applying any eyebrow product.

    Remember that this is a crucial step in the recovery process. What happens if you keep bathing your eyebrow area before it’s completely healed?

    • Healing of the scabs will be active if you keep your brows dry.
    • In other cases, it might cause a burning sensation (in which case, a trip to the doctor is in order if the condition worsens).
    • Premature fading can occur because water dilutes the ink pigment.
    • It can also cause your eyebrows to turn a strange tint.
    • Therefore, it is crucial that the micro-pigmented area not come into contact with any liquid.

    Be careful not to get water in your brows because it can dilute the pigment and reduce the effectiveness of the treatment.

    How Will My Brows Affect If I Don’t Wash Them After Microblading?

    After getting microbladed, some artists still recommend staying out of the water for a while. This means you should give your face a different old wash than it always gets. Plus, you’re not allowed to go swimming. In any case, the cut needs to be sterilised. A crust forms when you don’t remove the fluid and let it dry on your brows.

    While a little scabbing is to be expected, leaving the lymph uncleaned and the brows unmoisturized might cause a lot more. Scabs that eventually break off can be irritating and cause pigment loss.

    When Should I Wash My Hair After Getting Microblading?

    When you wash your hair, it can be difficult to avoid getting your eyebrows wet. Because of this, you should refrain from washing your hair for at least three days following the treatment, and after that, you should take extra special care to prevent getting your eyebrows wet.

    After getting microbladed, there are ways to keep your hair clean while it heals. Protective patches designed for this purpose are by far the most common. In addition, it has been suggested that artists use a small layer of Vaseline to prevent their eyebrows from becoming wet in the shower.

    Wearing snorkelling goggles in the shower is an odd idea, but it’s a great way to keep water out of your eyes and hairline. Even more beneficial are the plastic sun visor hats worn by some.

    In the alternative, there are protective shields that have been specifically made and are available for purchase online.

    To achieve the best results from microblading, a follow-up appointment is necessary 6-8 weeks following the initial treatment. Our exclusive range of eyebrow tattoo services will help you in eyebrow microblading, feathering or hair stroke eyebrow tattooing procedures. 

    How well the pigment was retained and what kinds of adjustments need to be made will determine the quantity of work needed during the touch-up.

    After the touch-up treatment, you should exercise the same caution around your brows as you would after the initial treatment and behave the same way. On the first day after surgery, gently pat down the lymph nodes, and keep your eyebrows clean and moisturised during the aftercare period.


    Since microblading is the same as getting a tattoo, the brows require a special aftercare routine to ensure proper healing. In the days following a microblading treatment, you should keep your brows out of the water and wait for at least two to three hours before washing them. After that, avoid using water, or use it for gentle washing; a cotton pad can be used to absorb any excess lymph fluid. The wound closes as the lymph rush subsides from the wound following treatment. After that, microbladed eyebrows can be washed. However, care must be taken to avoid the pigment. Mild antibacterial soap and water are all needed to wash away dirt and germs, speeding up the healing process, while harsh cleansers like glycolic acid and Retin A should be avoided. Avoid using anything too abrasive on the area; gently pat it dry using a tissue. Once in the morning and once before bed every day, with clean fingers, is the recommended frequency for applying aftercare. Recovery after an ointment tattoo can be sped up with an aftercare ointment. To accomplish this, it is suggested to apply it sparingly, preferably twice daily, and to refrain from doing anything that could damage your eyebrows.

    In addition to washing away the day’s fatigue with cool detritus, maintaining a clean and dry hairstyle and forehead is essential. Finally, experts recommend not using any eyebrow product until after the brows fully heal. Water can dilute the ink pigment and cause premature fading, so it’s vital to keep your brows dry after microblading. Moreover, the cut must be sterilised, leaving the lymph uncleaned, and the brows unmoisturized might result in significantly greater scabbing and colour loss. It’s not uncommon to accidentally moisten your eyebrows while washing your hair.

    Do not wash your hair for at least three days after getting microblading done, and avoid getting your eyebrows wet at all costs. You may keep your hair clean and protected while it heals by using protective patches, Vaseline, snorkelling goggles, or a plastic sun visor hat. A follow-up appointment, typically scheduled 6-8 weeks after the initial treatment, is recommended for optimal outcomes. Care for your brows with the same degree of caution you did after your initial treatment and the touch-up.

    Content Summary

    • If you are considering the latest and greatest in permanent cosmetics, microblading, to enhance your appearance, you should educate yourself on the procedure and its aftercare.
    • To avoid damaging your microbladed skin, you shouldn’t immediately resume washing your face with hot water.
    • It’s important to avoid getting your brows wet in the days following a microblading session, as is the case with any chemical treatment.
    • There is a two-day waiting period required before you can wet your eyebrows.
    • Certain professionals recommend waiting 7-10 days before washing your face after microblading.
    • Microblading aftercare requires constant attention.
    • Most experts recommend waiting for at least two to three hours before washing your microbladed brows, so keep that in mind if you have a shower scheduled soon after your procedure.
    • On day one, wipe your brows down with a cotton pad dampened with sterile water a few times to remove any lingering lymph fluid.
    • Cleanse your brows with antibacterial soap and water, then pat dry with a tissue.
    • Apply it first to prevent your eyebrows from becoming wet in the shower.
    • If you can speed up the healing process, it will be less crucial to know how long you have to wait before washing your eyebrows after microblading.
    • Washing your skin with a mild antibacterial soap is a great way to remove dirt and germs.
    • If you just got your eyebrows microbladed, you shouldn’t go swimming.
    • A good antibacterial soap, like the one you use on your skin, is ideal for cleaning the area around your cosmetic tattoo before and after application.
    • As a final precaution, avoid applying anything too rough to the area surrounding your brows while it is healing.
    • You should apply a thin coating of aftercare ointment to the microbladed area twice daily, in the morning and before bed.
    • Speeding up the recovery time after getting an ointment tattoo is important.
    • To achieve this, consider applying an aftercare ointment very sparingly, preferably twice a day.
    • It is generally recommended to begin washing your hair by positioning your head directly under the showerhead and avoiding getting any water on your face.
    • Get a good pair of goggles for yourself!
    • Put them on, and then you can relax and shower without worrying about your eyebrows being wet.
    • To maximise the results of your microblading, you must still adhere to a set of guidelines.
    • Healing of the scabs will be active if you keep your brows dry.
    • Therefore, it is crucial that the micro-pigmented area not come into contact with any liquid.
    • Be careful not to get water in your brows because it can dilute the pigment and reduce the effectiveness of the treatment.
    • After getting microbladed, some artists still recommend staying out of the water for a while.
    • A crust forms when you don’t remove the fluid and let it dry on your brows.
    • When you wash your hair, it can be difficult to avoid getting your eyebrows wet.
    • Because of this, you should refrain from washing your hair for at least three days following the treatment, and after that, you should take extra special care to prevent getting your eyebrows wet.
    • After getting microbladed, there are ways to keep your hair clean while it heals.
    • To achieve the best results from microblading, a follow-up appointment is necessary 6-8 weeks following the initial treatment.
    • After the touch-up treatment, you should exercise the same caution around your brows as you would after the initial treatment and behave the same way.
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