We are all aware that the shape of your brows may completely transform your appearance; however, have you ever given thought to the colour of your brows? Choosing the incorrect colour can make you appear strange and throw off the rest of your look, particularly if it does not go well with the colour of your hair. In Mount Eliza, Rachael Bebe operates a tattoo parlour known as Eyebrow. The power that the eyebrows wield on our looks cannot be overstated. To begin, they shield our eyes from dust and other unidentifiable particles that may be flying around. Second, they assist us in conveying meaning through our facial expressions (sometimes unintentionally, much to our own chagrin!). And naturally, the shape of our brows can have a significant impact on our whole appearance.
Some young women have the enviable gift of having eyebrows that can hold their own (ahem, Cara Delevingne, ahem). Because of thinning or irregular hair development, some other ladies require a little bit of additional assistance in the brow sector. People now believe that a lot, perhaps even an excessive amount of work, is required to get the eyebrow fleekage of their wildest desires. But here’s a small piece of advice from a beauty artist: picking the appropriate shade is the key to having successful brows! Naturally, eyebrows are one of the subjects that I find the most fascinating. There are a lot of dissimilar things you can do with them, and it is always exciting to see how much of a difference a person’s brows can make to their appearance. However, should your eyebrows be the same colour as your hair?
The simple answer to the question that a lot of my customers ask me is whether or not their eyebrows should match the colour of their hair, and the longer response is that it is entirely up to the individual. It is highly dependent on the style that you wish to achieve. When it comes to your appearance as a whole, the shape of your eyebrows can be a significant factor. This is because they are such prominent features on your face. Always choose for a deeper eyebrow shade for a more dramatic look. Imagine Marilyn Monroe with her eyebrows almost completely black and her hair white-blonde. It has the potential to look great with her outfit.
If you want your appearance to be more natural, you should try to match the colour of your eyebrows to the colour of your hair. This will result in a more understated look. Or you could try lightening up your brow makeup for a softer look that’s even more subtle.The best method to figure out what looks good on you and your features is to experiment and learn from your mistakes. There is no such thing as a bad or good combination of colours. Just want looks good.
Clear skies have taken the place of wintry ones. The snowshoes being worn today are actually ballet flats. And because the seasons are shifting, it’s time for a ground-breaking makeover for your beauty routine that goes beyond just lipstick. Keep your hair the way it is and concentrate on your brows instead. Your brows are the key to transforming your appearance from ethereal to classic or lovely to punk with just a subtle shift in tone.
Makeup expert Kate Lee, who has changed the brows of clients such as Rooney Mara and Keira Knightley, says that people are increasingly viewing their brows as an extension of their hair. “People are looking at their brows as an extension of their hair.” Finding the proper shade to complement one’s hair and brows can be challenging for individuals who are on the path to achieving their ideal colour combination for their hair and brows. Lee recommends beginning by softly filling in any gaps with a Chanel Sculpting Eyebrow Pencil to achieve the desired level of depth and then experimenting with temporary brow tints, such as Anastasia Tinted Brow Gel. She explains that it’s a form of quick gratification. “Take a selfie, check yourself out in the mirror, and see whether it looks good on you.”
Nyc stylist Aura Friedman suggests to combine warm tones with warm tones and cool tones with cold tones while dying eyebrows. This rule applies once you’ve decided on a shade for your eyebrows. In addition to this, you should be prepared to visit the salon at least once every four weeks, or even more frequently if you have lightened your hair (though Lee notes that a tinted brow gel will see you through any awkward salt-and-pepper transitional moments). In this article, Lee and Friedman share their instructions for modifying the brows in order to improve the colour of the eyes, reinforce or soften the bone structure, and achieve an appearance that can be as subtle or dramatic as the patient desires.
The process of selecting a new hair colour is one that should not be taken lightly. It’s a journey that begins long before you even take a seat in the chair of your colorist. In the time leading up to your visit at the salon, it is important to do things like scroll through your Instagram feed in search of ideas, create a Pinterest board for each conceivable colour option, and do research on which colours look good with your complexion. It is easy to forget about your eyebrows when you are so preoccupied with altering the colour of your hair; yet, it is of equal significance that the colour of your brows complements the colour change that you have made to your hair.
Christine Thompson, co-owner of Spoke & Weal and colour director, advises that the hair on your face and around your face should frame and enhance your inherent beauty. “Your hair on your face and around your face should frame and enhance your natural beauty.” It is vital to get the tones and level perfect in order to translate your look, regardless of whether it is kind or forceful. According to Amy Clark, a stylist at Rob Peetoom Salon in New York, you should make sure that the colour of your brows complements the tones in the colour of your hair. “My general rule would be to keep it as near to the shade of your hair as best as possible, or one shade darker,” she says. “My basic rule would be to keep it as close to the shade of your hair as best as possible.” A severe appearance can be achieved by going overly dark.
And if you want to fill in your brows but have virgin hair, you may do that too. This recommendation also applies to goods used for applying makeup. If you want your brows to have a soft, natural look, celebrity makeup artist and owner of Chinchilla Brows Daniel Chinchilla suggests using brow powder. However, if you want your brows to have more definition, he suggests using a pencil.
Friedman explains that people have a tendency to feel more confident about themselves when their eyebrows are visible to others. Blondes that is natural with fair hairs can deepen the tone of their arches, and darker brows will frame the face and highlight the eyes.”In most cases, it will give the impression that you have a significantly larger brow. It has the potential to completely transform your appearance “agrees Lee. Friedman suggests “taking the edge out by softening the colour one level” if your eyebrows look too dark against your hair. This is an action that she considers necessary across the board for brunettes going golden blonde because lightening your brows, even subtly, will warm everything up. If your eyebrows appear too dark against your hair, consult with Friedman. It is recommended that your eyebrows be one to two shades darker than your hair.
It’s possible that blondes have more fun, but they also have a harder time growing out their brows. Thankfully, this may be readily remedied by using the appropriate products in the appropriate hues. You can get away with using a shade that is a touch darker to define your brows if they are naturally fair and blonde. Take note that we stated somewhat; you do not want it to be too black, since this would cause it to appear artificial and harsh.
Do not attempt to bleach your brows to match your new hair colour if you are transitioning from dark hair to blonde hair! You are not deceiving anyone and it takes an enormous amount of time to do so. It does not matter how frequently you get your roots touched up; at some time, you will notice roots, and the sight of them is not attractive. Plus, what about the bleach in your eyes? Not our favourite.
When it comes to makeup products, blondes do particularly well with a combination of gel and pencil. The gel provides definition, which is necessary for blondes with sparse brow hair, and the pencil fills in the remaining gaps. The Anastasia brow wiz is one of the gels that we like to use the most. This product retains, defines, and produces thicker-looking brows.
Friedman gives this piece of advice to her clients: “If you’re going blonde brunette, I recommend darkening your brows.” On the other hand, she notes that brunettes whose brows are darker than their hair colour do not need to schedule an appointment to have their brows dyed. She favours this style because, according to her, The cooler your skin tone, the darker your brows may be since “your brows are supposed to be darker than your hair by nature.” If your brow shade mixes with your skin tone, and over-plucked pair won’t be so prominent. A lift in arch tone is only indicated for persons wishing to soften the fine lines that occur with ageing or angular bone structure, and to draw the spotlight away from thin eyebrows.
When it comes to your brows, you brunette women have a lot of options available to you, so choosing the right shade shouldn’t be difficult. Our best piece of advise is to make an effort to match the colour of your natural brows as closely as you can. Being excessively light is preferable to being too dark, which can look quite harsh.
If you’re having trouble finding the perfect tone, why not experiment with two of them? Find the two colours that are the most similar to one another and use both of them at the same time. Even if it’s an additional investment, investing on your brows is really necessary. Simply switch between the two hues, and try using the darker one closer to the arch for more definition and pop.
Also, examine your undertone. Your brow colour should complement your undertone, whether it be warm, cold, or neutral. Your hair colour should be one to two shades darker than the colour of your eyebrows.
According to Friedman, “Matching the colour of your eyebrows to the colour of your hair is pointless because natural redheads rarely have eyebrows of the same colour as their hair.” Those who have a colour that is closer to pumpkin than burgundy will look best in arches that have even the slightest amount of copper in them. On the other hand, cool redheads can look great when paired with brunette arches that are dark and rich in colour.
You may think that redheads would have a difficult time selecting a shade that complements their brows, but in reality, this is not the case at all. Because natural redheads typically do not have red eyebrows, you shouldn’t bother looking for a red pencil that will match your hair colour. Use the colour of your brow hair that occurs naturally instead. If you have a warmer shade of red, a coppery undertone will work well for you; while, those with a cooler shade of red should experiment with a vibrant brown shade. Finding the perfect shade for your brows may do wonders for your overall appearance. It does not have to be scary if you just remember these easy advice points!
Women with raven hair can follow the basic mathematics of matching black with black to achieve the desired effect. Friedman thinks that having warm eyebrows with black hair makes one look odd since it makes the hair appear orange. She does admit, though, that “Every client is a case by case.”
No matter what option you go with, Lee wants you to know that “Do not attempt to colour your own brows, particularly if you lack previous knowledge in the matter. There is no shortage of brow experts to choose from. I would advise you to avoid taking any risks at all costs.” Obviously, you don’t want to go for something that’s too light. If this is the case, it gives the impression that you do not have eyebrows at all. Kimara Ahnert, a makeup artist in New York City, states that she is not a fan of lightening the brows. “It just never seems to work out.”
So, what would be the most effective approach to take here? Not if you use bleach, that much is certain. Ahnert recommends using a shade that is a shade or two lighter than the natural brow hair while filling in the brows. Use a brow pencil that is light to medium brown in shade if you have dark brown hair. Utilize a taupe or dark blond pencil if you have light brown hair, and so on and so forth. If your brows are thin or sparse, use the pencil to feather on a little colour wherever they are, and then use a spooly brush to smooth it through and blur any apparent lines.
You may also tint your brows a little lighter by using a tinted brow gel that is just one shade lighter than your natural brow colour. “This offers the appearance of fullness and definition while yet seeming natural,” explains Ahnert. “This gives the appearance of natural fullness and definition.” “Brows should not dominate your features; instead, they should enhance the face.”
Door number three is always an option, and it entails having brows that are the same colour as your hair. For the majority of us, nature has already offered the option that is most flattering, which is perhaps why so many women choose to not mess with what already works well enough. As the stunning Deborah Ann Woll demonstrates, matching brows are nearly always the ideal approach to take, particularly for redheads.
Should I Dye My Eyebrows?
If you would like to color your hair, dye your eyebrows too. There are three compelling arguments in favour of you carrying out this activity. If you don’t want others to notice that the colour of your new hair is not your natural hair colour, having eyebrows that don’t match will be a dead giveaway. For example, you used to have naturally black hair but have recently dyed it brown. People may be able to tell that you have dyed your hair because of your dark eyebrows, regardless of whether or not you want them to know this.
If you are fashion-forward or if you care just enough to combine other looks with your new ‘do, mismatched eyebrows can destroy your entire style with only the flick of a finger. For instance, having light brown eyebrows with black hair is a terrible combination.
Having eyebrows that do not match your new hair colour might make your face look really odd, depending on the colour combination that it makes with your new hair colour. Take, for instance, the combination of black hair with blonde eyebrows; this one is so uncommon that it almost never works out nicely.
Beware Of Bleaching Your Brows
Not only can bleaching cause your brows to turn a shade of orange, but it can also cause them to regrow in an uneven pattern, giving the appearance that they are lacking in density. At the time, it might appear to be a smart idea, but doing so will result in a significant number of difficulties over the next six to twelve months.
There is no ironclad law that dictates when or when not to dye your eyebrows; nevertheless, as a general rule of thumb, it is recommended that you do not dye your eyebrows if you plan to replace your temporary hair colour or hair extensions after only a week or two, and occasionally even a month.
This is because genetics affect how quickly eyebrow hair grows. The typical time it takes for them to mature can range anywhere from two weeks to four months. That being the case, if you dye your eyebrows to match a hair colour that you’re only going to be rocking for a short period of time, say two weeks, then the time will come when your hair is already back to its old colour but your eyebrows are still the same colour that you dyed them when you first dyed them.
The improper eyebrow colour might make you look odd and detract from the rest of your appearance. Rachael Bebe owns and operates Eyebrow, a tattoo parlour in Mount Eliza. More and more people consider their brows to be an extension of their hair. Kate Lee, an expert, advises experimenting with brow tints that are just temporary, like Anastasia Tinted Brow Gel. There is no such thing as an undesirable or desirable colour combination.
Anything that looks good. The colour directors Lee and Friedman offer advice on how to alter the colour of your brows. The goal is to translate your look, whether it is compassionate or strong, by getting the tones and volume just right. Use brow powder or a pencil if you want your brows to look natural. When moving from blonde to brown, we advise deepening your brows.
Natural blondes with light hair can darken the tone of their arches. Consult Lee Friedman if your brows appear excessively dark next to your hair. It is advised that the tint of your eyebrows match the hue of your hair by one to two shades. Your brows could be darker if your skin tone is colder. It’s better to be overly light than too dark, which can look fairly harsh.
A shade or two darker than the colour of your eyebrows should be the shade of your hair. Rarely do natural redheads have eyebrows that match their hair colour. Use the natural colour of your brow hair in its place. When filling in the brows, makeup artist Kimara Ahnert advises going one or two shades lighter than the brow hair that grows naturally. The best course of action is almost usually to match the eyebrows, especially for redheads.
Black hair and light brown eyebrows don’t go well together. Whether or not you want people to know, they might be able to tell from your dark eyebrows that you’ve coloured your hair. When to dye eyebrows and when not to is not governed by any unbreakable rules. It is often advised against dyeing your eyebrows if you intend to change your temporary hair colour in a week or two, or occasionally even a month.
Frequently Asked Questions About Right Brow Colour
How Do You Know What Color Brow Pencil To Use?
“When choosing a brow pencil, it’s not just about matching your hair color. It’s also about your skin tone and eye color. If your skin tone has pink in it, you don’t want to match exactly to your hair color or else it will look orange. So you want to go for something a little ashy,” advises Madron.
What Colour Should You Fill Your Brows With?
“Fill brows in with a color that is slightly lighter than brow hair,” Ahnert says. If you have dark brown hair, use a light/medium brown brow pencil. If you have light brown hair, use a taupe/dark blond pencil, and so on.
Should Your Eyebrow Color Be Lighter Or Darker Than Your Hair?
YOUR BROWS SHOULD BE DARKER, In fact, your eyebrows should actually be darker than your hair color-unless your tresses are pitch black. This is what looks the most natural.
Do Lighter Eyebrows Look Better?
“Lighter tones look more natural and are more forgiving,” celebrity makeup artist Kimara Ahnert tells SELF. “If you have dark brown hair, choose a light or medium brown powder-I feel that brows should complement the face, not overpower your features,” says Soto.
What Eyebrow Shape Makes You Look Younger?
Shape up because a gradual definition to your arch (the brow’s highest point) can make you appear more youthful and awake. “Keeping the natural curves of your brows is important, though your natural brow height and angle of the curve will determine the right shape,” says Cervellone.